Latest News

15:38 NEWS Death toll in Gaza Strip reaches 38,153
15:00 ROJAVA-SYRIA Turkish intelligence MIT kidnaps six people in Turkish-occupied Afrin
14:22 KURDISTAN Footage of guerrilla action which left three Turkish soldiers dead in Zap
13:41 KURDISTAN Turkish military deployment to South Kurdistan continues
12:02 CULTURE Left Book Club publishes "The Political Thought of Abdullah Öcalan" in its "classic" series
11:13 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Women Press Freedom condemns 6-year prison sentence handed down to 8 Kurdish journalist
10:34 NEWS Polls open in France
09:55 NEWS Turkish hooligans go wild in London and Berlin after losing European match with Netherlands
09:12 ECOLOGY Make Rojava Green Again: Politics of the scorched earth continue in whole Kurdistan
08:33 ROJAVA-SYRIA Hayat Tehrîr Al-Sham mercenaries kidnap 11 people in Idlib
07:50 NEWS Bozan: The law applied in Kurdistan is a colonial law
19:05 NEWS Legal harassment against ÇHD lawyers continues
18:00 HUMAN RIGHTS Release ill prisoners Nebioğlu and Yıldırım, says the Freedom for Ill Prisoner Initiative
17:07 NEWS PYD European Assembly holds congress
16:16 ROJAVA-SYRIA Autonomous Administration in Shehba calls on people to protest Turkish invasion
15:37 KURDISTAN New actions by guerrillas in Zap, says HPG
14:54 NEWS Young activists in Draguignan protest isolation of Abdullah Öcalan
14:06 KURDISTAN "Respect the Will" March continues on 7th day
13:29 HUMAN RIGHTS Relatives of the diappeared meet in Amed on the 33rd anniversary of the murder of Vedat Aydın
12:50 KURDISTAN Turkish army target village in Amêdiye
12:02 CULTURE Cultural and artistic events for children in Dêrik
11:13 KURDISTAN Yaray: The AKP-MHP mentality will lose
10:34 KURDISTAN Police rads village in Gercüş, takes many into custody
09:54 NEWS Pezeshkian wins presidential race in Iran
09:10 ROJAVA-SYRIA Water to reach Hesekê in less then 48 hours, says Democratic Autonomous Administration
08:26 NEWS Justice Ministry one again rejects Osman Kavala's request for retrial
07:50 FEATURES Rohilat Muslim: The woman, strengthened by the revolution, defends herself
18:26 HUMAN RIGHTS Political prisoner released on the verge of death dies
17:49 KURDISTAN Turkish army burns villages in South Kurdistan
17:03 KURDISTAN Respect for the Will March: Colonial law applied in Hakkari
16:27 NEWS Some village guards resign after being forced to move to occupied Afrin
15:55 NEWS International campaign against Turkey's occupation of Iraq and South Kurdistan
14:38 HUMAN RIGHTS CoE to discuss ECtHR's 'violation' judgement on Abdullah Öcalan
13:57 KURDISTAN Footage of guerrilla action in Zap
13:20 KURDISTAN HPG: Four air actions carried out by Martyr Axîn Mûş Unit
12:44 CULTURE Assyrian Cultural Association in Qamishlo trains students to become teachers
12:06 HUMAN RIGHTS Prisoner Güzel released after 31 years
11:37 CULTURE "Painting makes me breathe"
11:01 NEWS Öcalan's lawyers submit another application for a visit to Imrali
10:32 NEWS Second round of presidential election in Iran under way
10:03 NEWS Landslide victory for the Labour Party after 14 years of opposition
09:34 HUMAN RIGHTS Paris Bar Association condemns violation of defence rights of prisoners in İmralı
08:59 ROJAVA-SYRIA El Erec: If all Syrians are united, Turkey cannot do anything
08:24 WOMEN Young women demonstrate for Abdullah Öcalan's freedom in Strasbourg
07:47 NEWS Laura Castel Fort: Even in Guantanamo there has been no such an isolation regime as Öcalan suffers
18:57 HUMAN RIGHTS KHRN: Kurdish Muay Thai champion missing after IRGC interrogation
18:15 NEWS Gaza death toll exceeds 38,000
17:44 KURDISTAN Self-sacrificial guerrillas complete training
16:08 KURDISTAN ‘Respect for the Will March’: The path to democracy passes through Hakkari
15:12 ROJAVA-SYRIA Outcome of security operations against ISIS in North-East Syria during the first half of 2024