Latest News

18:31 HUMAN RIGHTS HRW brings Turkish state's war crimes to the UN and says an explanation should be requested
17:50 NEWS Activists in Melbourne protest Turkish state's invasion attacks
17:02 KURDISTAN Gerîla TV publishes images of the drone shot down by guerrillas
16:06 ROJAVA-SYRIA At least 50 people kidnapped in Turkish occupied areas in first two weeks of July
15:23 KURDISTAN Three ISIS mercenaries captured in South Iraq
14:35 NEWS Village guards who resigned denounce threats
13:51 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to guerrillas Serhildan Kurdo and Fîraz Arjîn
13:02 HUMAN RIGHTS Prisoner suffering from cancer released
12:10 KURDISTAN KCK calls for all-out resistance against occupation and treason on anniversary of Zilan Massacre
11:31 KURDISTAN Drone that crashed in Gever on 12 July shot down by guerrillas
11:13 KURDISTAN Gerîla TV publishes footage of Turkish army crane destroyed in Zap
10:34 KURDISTAN Turkish army destroy cemetery of guerrilla martyrs on Gabar Mountain
09:55 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Journalist Sadık Topaloğlu still in police custody
09:12 KURDISTAN DEM party delegation visits village of Bilêxşê
08:33 NEWS Kurds in Berlin to demonstrate against war in Middle East and Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan
07:50 FEATURES Kalkan: We must turn every place into antifascist struggle and resistance areas
19:38 KURDISTAN Helicopter activity registered in the Bagok Mountain region
18:02 KURDISTAN The guerrilla is the hope of the people of South Kurdistan
17:09 NEWS Putin opposes Erdoğan-Assad meeting in Baghdad
16:37 NEWS KCDK-E calls for protest actions everywhere against Turkish occupation and genocide
15:54 KURDISTAN Footage of Turkish troop deployment to Amadiya
15:25 KURDISTAN ‘Turkey has built 50 new bases, committed 100 violations in South Kurdistan in a week’
14:49 KURDISTAN Footage of action by Martyr Bedran Gundikremo Revenge Unit in Amadiya
14:13 KURDISTAN Two wounded as Turkey bombs civilian settlements in Bradost
13:37 KURDISTAN Cooperation between Turkey and KDP confessed on TRT News
12:58 KURDISTAN Footage of Turkish Sikorsky helicopter downed by the guerrillas
12:01 ROJAVA-SYRIA Drinking water reaches Hesekê
11:13 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS CPJ calls for investigation into drone strike on Kurdish journalists in Shengal
10:34 NEWS Prisoner Yaşa dies in Finland
09:55 KURDISTAN Kurdish journalist Murat Mîrza Ibrahim laid to rest
09:12 HUMAN RIGHTS Prisoner in Kırşehir High Security Prison goes on hunger strike
08:33 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Journalist Sadık Topaloğlu to remain in custody for an extra day
07:50 HUMAN RIGHTS ISIG: Nearly 900 workers killed in their workplace in the first half of 2024
18:57 KURDISTAN Turkish invasion attack in Bagok Mountain
18:21 KURDISTAN Guerrillas shoot down a Sikorsky helicopter and two drones of the Turkish army
17:39 ROJAVA-SYRIA ISIS cell dismantled in Deir ez-Zor
16:52 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS KDP abducts a female journalist covering Turkish military activity in Amadiya
16:16 KURDISTAN National Workshop calls for all-out resistance and international action against Turkish invasion
15:07 NEWS HBDH militia set a recycling centre and a carpet factory on fire in Bodrum
14:38 NEWS ESP calls for resistance against colonial occupation
13:59 NEWS Baghdad condemns the attacks by the Turkish state
13:26 WOMEN YPJ: We will be an impenetrable barrier against all annihilation attacks
12:41 KURDISTAN Turkish occupation attacks: High-level delegation from Baghdad visits Kurdistan Region
12:02 HUMAN RIGHTS Court in Iran convicts four Kurdish teachers for "anti-state propaganda"
11:13 NEWS TEV-ÇAND Europe calls on everyone to stand up against Turkish attacks
10:34 KURDISTAN Zeyneb Murad warns of Turkish occupation of South Kurdistan
09:55 KURDISTAN Heavy military deployment at Üzümlü Border Gate
09:12 WOMEN Political prisoners in Evin jail issue statement condemning death sentence against Sharifeh Mohammad
08:33 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to guerrilla Şoreş Zêwkî
07:51 FEATURES Lawyer Bilmez: According to the ECHR, our clients have been under torture since 2014