Latest News

18:01 ROJAVA-SYRIA SDF Military Council holds its regular meeting
17:16 KURDISTAN Turkish warplanes shell 7 areas in Bradost
16:40 FEATURES What is happening in Kirkuk?
15:05 WOMEN DEM Party and TJA delegation in Hewlêr: We have responsibilities against the war in Kurdistan
14:32 WOMEN TJK-E calls for joint struggle against the misogynist Iranian state
13:41 KURDISTAN Turkey and KDP establish joint checkpoint at Duhok border
13:05 NEWS Nobel Laureates sign open letter expressing concern about the detention conditions of Öcalan
12:02 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to guerrillas Newal Mêrdîn, Jiyan Rêdûr and Dijwar Keleş
11:13 HUMAN RIGHTS Iran executes Kurdish prisoner in Urmia
10:34 CULTURE Lisa Çalan: We want to create space where artists can have their say
09:55 CULTURE Deadline for submitting poems or short stories to Hüseyin Çelebi Literature Festival extended
09:12 ROJAVA-SYRIA Turkey bombs 15 villages in Afrin-Shehba
08:33 HUMAN RIGHTS Ill prisoner released after 31 years in jail
07:50 FEATURES Zafer Yörük: No matter who will become president, America has a state policy - Part Two
19:11 FEATURES 69 Nobel Prize winners call for freedom for Abdullah Öcalan
17:52 WOMEN Iraqi Women's Conference: Let's enhance the resistance
17:01 KURDISTAN DEM Party and HDP hold talks in Hewlêr
16:26 CULTURE ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan’ concert in Italy
15:48 ROJAVA-SYRIA HRE fighter Brûsk Meydana martyred in Afrin
14:28 ROJAVA-SYRIA ISIS cell preparing an attack in Raqqa crushed
13:57 NEWS MPs removed from the Foreign Affairs Commission meeting
12:02 FEATURES Zafer Yörük: No matter who will become president, America has a state policy - Part One
11:13 KURDISTAN Turkish state continues to send soldiers to South Kurdistan
10:34 FEATURES Historical resistance by guerrillas - Part Two
09:55 ECOLOGY 22nd Munzur Culture and Nature Festival kicks off today in Dersim
09:12 KURDISTAN Young shepherd dies as the result of the explosion of an object in Yüksekova
08:33 KURDISTAN HPG: Three Turkish soldiers killed by guerrillas in South Kurdistan
07:50 FEATURES Almas Hemîd organized self-defense from Afrin to Deir ez-Zor
18:47 WOMEN Women from Tabqa discuss the concept of self-defence
18:16 ROJAVA-SYRIA 25 thousand trees burnt as occupation forces set fire to fields in villages of Afrin
17:39 NEWS Activists on vigil in Geneva call for participation in the rally against the Treaty of Lausanne
16:54 NEWS Court decision on extradition of Kurdish journalist Serdar Karakoç postponed
16:11 ROJAVA-SYRIA Three more civilians kidnapped in Turkish-occupied Afrin
15:37 KURDISTAN Kongra Star denounces the complicity of the Turkish state and the KDP
15:00 KURDISTAN Guerrillas: We will not give up our resistance until we live in a free Kurdistan
14:18 WOMEN Iranian court sentences Kurdish activist Pakhshan Azizi to death
13:39 ROJAVA-SYRIA HRE: 10 invaders were killed in Mare and Azaz
12:02 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to guerrilla Soro Xizginos
11:13 KURDISTAN Turkish army bombs a village in Duhok, starting a fire
10:34 NEWS Mürşide Oltan: Stand up against isolation, occupation and betrayal
09:55 FEATURES Historical resistance by guerrillas - Part One
09:12 NEWS Kurds in Europe will protest Treaty of Lausanne on its 101st anniversary
08:33 KURDISTAN Turkish army launches new operation in Duhok
07:50 FEATURES Lawyer Öztürk: CPT's statements on Imrali are contradictory
19:09 KURDISTAN More Yazidi IDPs return to Shengal from camps in Duhok
18:31 WOMEN ‘Women for Democracy’ founded against usurpation of people’s will and women's rights
17:53 NEWS Lawyers submit another application to meet with their clients in İmralı
16:44 ROJAVA-SYRIA Ethnic cleansing continues in Afrin: Kidnapping, extortion, bombardment
15:23 HUMAN RIGHTS Lawyer François Devedjian: We must fight for the release of Öcalan, the Nelson Mandela of the Kurds
14:42 NEWS Iraqi Parliament to discuss Turkish occupation