Latest News

11:13 ROJAVA-SYRIA Third water station put into service in Deir ez-Zor
10:34 ROJAVA-SYRIA Turkey resettles 800 refugees in Girê Spi
09:55 KURDISTAN HPG reports on war in South Kurdistan
09:12 KURDISTAN New access ban in various regions in the Kurdish province of Şirnak
08:33 ROJAVA-SYRIA 24-year-old injured by Turkish armed drone in Kobanê
07:49 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to guerrillas who fell as martyrs in Beytüşşebap
18:35 NEWS Co-mayor of Hakkari Municipality calls for a joint struggle
17:54 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Trial of journalist Ehmed abducted by the KDP in October postponed
17:09 KURDISTAN KCK: Zilan brought the struggle to its peak
16:28 WOMEN Sakine Cansız Women's Festival starts in Zurich
15:48 ROJAVA-SYRIA Two Turkish-backed mercenaries killed in actions by HRE
15:01 KURDISTAN PUK: Turkey's sole aim is to disrupt Iraq’s security and stability
14:26 WOMEN Theatrical performance by YJA Star guerrillas in remembrance of Zîlan
13:39 ROJAVA-SYRIA Prominent ISIS leader arrested in special operation by the YPJ
12:57 KURDISTAN KCK: Comrade Helmet will always live in the hearts of his people
12:02 WOMEN TekoJIN ends national conference in Kassel
11:13 NEWS Vigil in Adana: Imrali is the address for the solution to the Kurdish question
10:34 KURDISTAN Turkish army bombs Assyrian village of Mîska in South Kurdistan
09:55 NEWS Kurdish workers attacked in Muğla
09:12 FEATURES Pictures from Istanbul rally against usurpation of people's will in Hakkari
08:33 NEWS Solidarity events with Kurdistan in the cities of Mantova, Parma and Reggio Emilia
07:50 FEATURES Zilan, a symbol of resistance for Kurdish women
18:31 KURDISTAN Turkish soldiers raid and evacuate villages in South Kurdistan
17:58 NEWS Presidential election in Iran moves to run-off
17:19 FEATURES Democracy in a Turkey where the Kurds are massacred
16:05 ROJAVA-SYRIA HRE: 2 soldiers and 4 mercenaries killed, 1 tank destroyed in May
15:27 ROJAVA-SYRIA Gangs demand $25,000 ransom from the family of a teenager they kidnapped in Afrin
14:49 KURDISTAN KNK calls on all political parties and organisations to unite under the roof of the alliance
13:54 KURDISTAN HPG: Guerrillas carried out 16 actions against Turkish army bases with drones in June
12:02 HUMAN RIGHTS Prisoner's mother: If the doors of Imrali are opened, the doors of peace will also be opened
11:13 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Journalist Ehmed to appear in court tomorrow
10:34 HUMAN RIGHTS Lawyer Çiftçi released from prison
09:55 CULTURE Exhibition in Istanbul marks the 31st anniversary of the Madımak Massacre
09:12 KURDISTAN YJA Star Commander Batûfa Çekdar: Turkey is doomed to defeat thanks to the stance of the Kurds
08:33 NEWS Activists in Bologna organize action for Öcalan
07:50 FEATURES Karasu: Martyr Zilan showed that Öcalan and the Kurdish people’s fight for freedom are inseparable
19:47 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS YRJ Spokesperson: We will be the voice and colour of truth
19:01 KURDISTAN Medeni Yıldırım commemorated on the 11th anniversary of his murder by Turkish soldiers in Lice
18:24 NEWS Families apply to visit their relatives in İmralı
17:38 HUMAN RIGHTS ‘The path to justice passes through Roboskî’
16:53 NEWS HBDH militia set fire to a recycling plant in Bursa
16:25 KURDISTAN Turkish army sets up a checkpoint in Duhok
15:00 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS YRJ: Women journalists need to be the voice of truth
14:23 ROJAVA-SYRIA Turkish UCAV strike targets Kobanê countryside
13:49 NEWS Öcalan’s lawyer meets with CPT officials in Strasbourg
13:28 KURDISTAN KCK remembers Sheikh Said and his companions
12:51 ROJAVA-SYRIA Turkish attack kills a civilian, injures another in Manbij
12:02 KURDISTAN Hundreds of villages will be affected by Turkish attacks in South Kurdistan
11:13 KURDISTAN Memorial for KCK General Presidential Council Member Helmet Gabar
10:34 NEWS Fifth trial against Pınar Selek opens today in Istanbul