Latest News

18:34 ROJAVA-SYRIA A civilian kidnapped, hundreds of trees cut down in Turkish-occupied Afrin
17:56 KURDISTAN One kolbar killed, two others wounded in shooting by Iranian forces
17:17 KURDISTAN A militant following in the footsteps of PKK pioneers
16:28 KURDISTAN KNK Co-Chair holds talks in Hewlêr
15:47 KURDISTAN Iraqi tribes support the PKK against Turkish occupation
14:37 WOMEN Women: We have succeeded in standing against patriarchal mentality through education
13:51 KURDISTAN YRK: Turkey attacks our areas in cooperation with the KDP to destroy the gains of our people
13:14 NEWS Leonardo Perez: Turkey should be recognised as an occupying power
12:02 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to two martyrs of Metîna
11:13 ROJAVA-SYRIA A museum not to forget the crimes by the Islamic State to be built in Raqqa
10:34 KURDISTAN Turkish military deployment to Amediyê continues while warplanes bomb Biradost
09:55 NEWS DEM Party: Statement about Imrali should be made immediately
09:12 HUMAN RIGHTS Maloca Internationale brings Turkey's war policy to UN
08:33 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS IPJ condemns killing of journalist Ibrahim, urges Turkey and Iraq to launch investigation
07:50 FEATURES Kalkan: KDP is a thorn on the side of Kurdistan
18:34 KURDISTAN HPG: Four Turkish soldiers were killed in actions by the guerrillas
17:54 NEWS Death toll in the Gaza war rises to 38,664 dead
17:15 FEATURES Reflections of Turkish annexation from Washington to Baghdad
16:39 KURDISTAN Iraqi Communist Party: Turkish attacks must be stopped
16:00 KURDISTAN Delegation from Baghdad visits Sulaymaniyah after Hewlêr
15:22 NEWS Remains of 139 people exhumed from a mass grave in Tal Afar
14:43 KURDISTAN Gerîla TV broadcasts footage of aerial actions in Zap
14:07 NEWS Kirkuk Provincial Council delegation in Ankara
13:36 KURDISTAN Explosion in front of the house of a KDP official in Kelar
12:23 KURDISTAN Martyr Doğan Zinar Unit carries out 7 aerial actions in memory of 14 July Resistance
11:50 CULTURE Health of jailed Kurdish singer Nudem Durak deteriorating, says her mother
11:12 ROJAVA-SYRIA Training cycle of Self-Defence Forces in Tabqa completed
10:44 KURDISTAN Fire breaks out in village bombed by Turkey in Amêdiye
10:05 ROJAVA-SYRIA Turkey bombs villages in Manbij
09:26 KURDISTAN Kalkan: 14 July resistance brought us to where we stand today
08:57 ROJAVA-SYRIA YPJ and SDF meet with families of martyrs in Raqqa
08:21 ROJAVA-SYRIA Attack by occupation forces kills a young man, injures another in Ain Issa
07:44 ROJAVA-SYRIA Escalating humanitarian crisis in Syria is a call for solidarity among various parties
18:26 NEWS Hamas: Death toll in the Gaza Strip reached 38,584
17:54 ROJAVA-SYRIA Internal Security Forces capture an ISIS ringleader in Deir ez-Zor
17:16 WOMEN ‘Women become stronger thanks to the ideas of Leader Abdullah Öcalan'
16:37 FEATURES While collaborators prolong the life of the occupiers, the guerrilla continues to strike blows
15:26 ROJAVA-SYRIA SOHR reports ongoing violations in Turkish-occupied Afrin
14:49 KURDISTAN KDP forces detain media team covering Turkish occupation attacks
14:29 NEWS 68 percent disabled man arrested for his social media posts
14:00 ROJAVA-SYRIA MSD boycotts the legislative elections to be held by the Damascus government
13:09 ROJAVA-SYRIA SDF captures an ISIS member in Qamishlo
12:33 KURDISTAN Guerrilla holds the enemy to account in the spirit of 14 July
11:57 NEWS Hamas withdraws from talks on a ceasefire in Gaza
11:26 NEWS KCK: When resisted in the spirit of July 14th, the enemy will be defeated
09:48 NEWS Kongra Star Assembly issues a statement about human rights violations and violence against women in
08:56 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Journalist Sadık Topaloğlu remanded in custody
08:23 HUMAN RIGHTS Isolation in Imrali will be discussed at UN Human Rights session
07:50 FEATURES 14 July 1982, the day the Great Resistance began in Amed prison
19:25 NEWS Activists march in Cologne to protest Turkish state's invasion attacks