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Three guerrillas martyred in Ağrı
HPG vowed to carry the struggle of the martyrs to victory. -
Eight people jailed, two others detained in Amed
The Turkish regime’s political genocide operations against the Kurdish people and their elected representatives continue unabated. -
Six HDP district council members deposed in Sur
The Turkish AKP/MHP regime has removed six HDP members from office in Amed-Sur District Council. They are accused of membership of a terrorist organization. -
On trial for "commemorating" the Roboski massacre
The first hearing was held in the case against relatives of those killed in the Roboski massacre. -
Amed tradesmen: Lack of peace gives way to economic crisis
The AKP-MHP regime has allocated much of the budget to defense industry. A choice dictated by its war policies which have indeed deepened the already serious economic crisis. -
Turkish operation "Claw" frustrated by the guerrilla resistance
Fighters of HPG and YJA-Star say: "The Turkish army aimed at the destruction of the guerrillas with the operation 'Claw' but has now got caught in the guerrillas' claws by the heavy blows. -
Guerrillas carry out an action in Ağrı
HPG / YJA Star guerrillas carried out an action against Vedat Özkaya police station in Bazid (Doğubeyazıt) district of Ağrı on 9 January. -
Encü: Turkish soldiers are now massacring our mules
Kadri Encü, who lost his brother in the Roboski massacre, said that civilians and mules were slaughtered by Turkish soldiers while they engaged in 'border trade'. -
Three years of ban on actions and demos in Van
Pressure begins to increase in Van as the ban on events, demos and activities has reached day 1,130. Every road and street in Van see a heavy police and armored vehicles presence, while people are under constant pressure. -
Guerrilla TV footage of actions in Heftanin and Xakurkê
Gerilla TV has released images of the actions carried out in Heftanin and Xakurkê. -
Patnos: Guerrillas have dealt heavy blows to the Turkish army
Serhat Patnos is one of the commanders of the People's Defense Forces (HPG). Looking back to the year 2019, he speaks of "heavy blows" guerrillas dealt to the Turkish military. -
HPG: One soldier killed in Iğdir
The HPG Press Contact Center (HPG-BIM) reported that guerrillas killed a soldier by targeting a military security point in Iğdir. -
HPG-BIM pays tribute to guerrilla Ruheyv Ronahi
HPG Press Contact Center (HPG-BIM) commemorated the guerrilla code named Ruheyv Ronahi, who fell martyr in an airstrike carried out by the Turkish state in Kandil at the end of October. -
Guerrillas: We are the followers of Cansız, Doğan and Şaylemez
Speaking on the 7th anniversary of the Paris massacre, YJA Star guerrillas Çavrê Güler and Nazlıcan Rêdur and HPG guerilla Baran Revenge said that the massacre was aimed at the Kurdish women's movement's freedom struggle. -
Action by Vengeance Units injures three police in Amed
The three Kurdish women were murdered by Turkish state forces four years ago. -
HPG: Six Turkish soldiers killed in Xakurke, South Kurdistan
Two positions of the Turkish forces were struck effectively and destroyed completely in Xakurke region of guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq. -
Young people from Roboski joined the guerrilla after the massacre
Hundreds of massacres have taken place within the framework of the Turkish state's policy of genocide against the Kurdish people. From the Sheikh Said Rebellion, to Dersim, Ağrı, Sur and Cizre. -
KCK commends PUK on its 4th Congress
KCK said it was a historical step that the PUK congress was held in a period of significant political developments in Iraq and the entire Middle East. -
Two bodies buried in the Cemetery of the Nameless in Mardin
In the Northern Kurdistan province of Mardin the bodies of two reportedly guerrilla fighters have been buried anonymously. -
HPG pays tribute to two guerrillas martyred in Avashin
HPG expressed their condolences to the patriotic Kurdistan people and families of the martyrs. -
YBŞ fighter dies in accident
YBŞ fighter Ferhad Dilêm has died as a result of a fatal accident. YBŞ expressed their condolences to his relatives. -
State forces do not comply with hunting ban in Hakkari
Although the hunting of wild animals is prohibited in Hakkari, endangered species are still pursued and shot by so-called village guards and Turkish soldiers. -
7 Turkish soldiers killed in YJA Star action in Heftanin
While an action by guerrillas left 7 soldiers dead in Heftanin, two guerrilla fighters were martyred in Avashin region in southern Kurdistan. -
HPG: 5 Turkish soldiers killed in Heftanin and Ağrı
Two soldiers of the Turkish army were killed in Heftanin and three others in Ağrı. While a civilian was murdered by soldiers, three guerrillas fell as martyrs in Ağrı. -
2019: 80 kolbars and kasibkars killed at the borders of Kurdistan
At least 80 kolbars and kasibkars were killed in the border areas of Kurdistan in 2019.