YPJ fighters Berfin Cem, Ahîn Delkash, and Silav Ocalan, while standing on the frontlines of resistance against the attacks of the Turkish occupation state, have joined the ranks of the immortal.
YPJ remembers the fighters who have selflessly given their lives to crown the rightful struggle of the peoples of North and East Syria with victory, renewing their pledge of commitment to victory.
The Women’s Protection Units (YPJ) welcome the year 2025 on the fronts of resistance to protect the achievements of the revolution.
Dozens of women from Kurdistan call on US President-elect Donald J. Trump and UN Secretary-General António Guterres to officially recognize the status of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria.
Latest News
Women welcome spring in Jinwar
In the women's village of Jinwar in northern Syria, the residents are preparing fields and gardens for the next growing season. In times of crisis it becomes clear how fundamental the possibility of self-sufficiency is.
Triple feminicide in Colombia during COVID-19 quarantine
A man killed his partner, sister-in-law and mother-in-law in Cartagena (Colombia). Although the Metropolitan Police reported the crime as a homicide, the Mesa del Movimiento Social de las Mujeres argues that it was feminicide.
Effects of the corona crisis on women
HDP politician Ayşe Acar Başaran warns of an increase in violence against women during the corona crisis and calls for protective measures for women.
YPJ: Fight together - For freedom and dignity
"Newroz is the day the tyranny of Dehak was stabbed to death. This victory is our road map. It shows what we must do against the modern tyrants: fight together in solidarity against occupation, robbery and injustice.
RoSara: Counselling and support for women by women
RoSara is an association founded by Kurdish women for women and it's active in Switzerland. The association has activated a hotline to deal with the coronavirus emergency and violence which may develop in a self-isolation environment.
YJA Star: We will continue Tekoşîn’s fight
YJA Star announced the death of commander Tekoşin Amanos. "The YJA-Star will take up the weapon of our friend Tekoşîn and continue the fight," the women's guerrilla army said.
Women's cooperatives promote collective work
The women's cooperatives in Tirbespiyê in Northern Syria are working on building alternatives despite the permanent threat of war and have meanwhile become examples of collective forms of work.
Alina Sanchez, a martyr of humanity
Latin American internationalist Alina Sanchez has lost her life in a traffic accident while going to Hasakah to attend meetings with NGOs working on health. Since 2011 she was part of the struggle for the liberation of the Kurdish people.
Cooperatives strengthen women in Rojava
The Kurdish umbrella organisation Kongreya Star supports various cooperatives in Rojava in which women work autonomously and thus stand up for themselves and the community at the same time. There are now 16 new cooperatives in Cizîrê despite the war.
Besê Erzincan: Women will determine the direction
Besê Erzincan of the KJK says that it is not the crisis of the global hegemonic system that will determine future developments, but rather the organised, planned and goal-oriented intervention of women.
A guerrilla fighter on her mother's trail
The parents of guerrilla fighter Roza Nûjîn, who comes from Eastern Kurdistan, used to be peshmerga in the Kurdish mountains in the border area between Iran and Iraq. Roza now wants to realize their unfinished dreams.
Women fill the streets of Cologne
"With the struggle of Kurdish women, the slogan "Jin, Jiyan, Azadi" is no longer a slogan and has turned into a philosophy of life."