Women take to the streets in Heseke against Turkey’s attacks

Protests continue against the Turkish state’s genocidal war against the Kurdish people in various parts of Kurdistan.

Members of women’s umbrella organization Kongreya Star and many other women held a demonstration in front of the International anti-ISIS coalition base in Heseke (al-Hasakah). The crowd protested against the Turkish state’s attacks on civilian and women.

The group displayed flags of Kongreya Star and photos of the three women killed in the Helince (Hallinj) village of Kobanê on Tuesday.

The women formed a delegation of six persons to meet the Coalition authorities and submitted them a dossier containing the details of the Turkish state’s massacres against women.


Speaking here, Kongreya Star Heseke Canton member Evin Basho denounced the Turkish state’s crimes against the peoples resisting for their freedom.

She continued: “The Turkish state attacked the Helince village of Kobanê on June 23 and killed Emine Weysi and Kongreya Star Coordination members Zehra Berkel and Hebûn Mele Xelil. Zehra and Hebûn were working actively for the advocation of women’s rights and struggled to create a democratic, equal and free society. Despotic forces see the women who work to implement the project of women’s freedom as a threat. The administration established in North and East Syria is targeted by the Turkish state because it undertakes the project of women’s freedom. Hevrin Xelef (Khalaf) was also targeted for the same reason.”

During the demonstration, human rights organisations were called upon to stand against the massacres of women.