Latest News
Turkish army starts an operation in Cudi
The Turkish army has launched an operation in Şırnak countryside. -
Gerîla TV releases footage from another action in Çukurca
Gerîla TV has released footage from an action in which guerrillas targeted Turkish forces in the countryside of Hakkari on November 17. -
Iran starts a new wave of arrests in Chaldoran
Iranian forces raided homes and detained at least 10 Kurds in Chaldoran, a border town in Rojhilat Kurdistan. -
Two mass graves found in Shengal
About 140 human remains were found in two mass graves in Shengal. -
Sur residents to the state: “Leave us alone”
Not having left Sur despite all attacks by the state, the church’s pastor, the mosque’s imam and the old woman in the tent she put up over the ruins of her home trying to survive with her children have a common demand: that the state to leave them alone. -
Gerîla TV releases footage from action on Çeman outpost
Gerîla TV has released footage from an action in which guerrillas targeted the Çeman outpost in Hakkari countryside on December 1st. -
Three YRK guerrillas martyred in Turkish attack on Mount Asos
YRK announced the identities of three guerrillas who lost their lives in the Turkish army’s aerial attack on the Asos Mountain on November 27. -
ITC gangs attack in Xurmatû, Dakuk and Kirkuk
ITC gangs’ attacks on Kurds are on the rise. Hundreds of homes in Xurmatû and Dakuk have been destroyed. Thousands of homes and workplaces have been looted while dozens have had explosions. -
Soldier said to have fallen down cliff killed in guerrilla action
It came out that Turkish soldier by the name of Yusuf Demiryürek, who the Turkish state claimed “fell down a cliff” was killed in an action of guerrillas. -
A kolbar freezes to death in Rojhilat
A kolbar froze to death near Shino town of Rojhilat (Eastern Kurdistan). -
Villagers on Asos attack: We are paralyzed with Turkish attacks
The villagers of Gelale at the skirts of the Asos mountain are protesting the Turkish jets’ air strikes and they said, “We are paralyzed with the Turkish state’s aerial attacks, we are not safe anymore.” -
Longest curfew in the world turns 2
The curfew in 6 neighborhods of the Sur district has continued for two years. In this time, the historic district was torn to the ground, residents were forced to move, and the remaining population was taken under a “security” blockade. -
Footage of Turkish armored vehicle destroyed in Şemdinli
YJA-STAR guerrillas destroyed an armored vehicle of the Turkish army in Silopi one week ago, the footage of which was released by Gerîla TV. -
Turkish police detain 15 Kurdish youths in Van
Turkish police raided homes of HDP and DBP Youth Council members and detained 15 in Van. -
Four Hashd al-Shaabi members killed in Tuz Kurmatu
Four Hashd al-Shaabi members were killed after clashes broke out between the militias and a Kurdish group in Tuz Kurmatu, in northern Iraq. -
Karayılan expresses support for the ‘Serî Hilde’ campaign
HPG Commander Murat Karayılan expressed his support for the ‘Serî Hilde’ (Rise Up) campaign launched by Komalen Ciwan and Komalen Jinen Ciwan one month ago. -
Guerrillas hit Turkish soldiers in Hakkari and Şırnak
HPG guerrillas carried out actions against Turkish soldiers in Hakkari and Şırnak, leaving three soldiers dead. -
Barzani: Our relations with Turkey should resume as before
KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani said: “I hope the strong relations between Erbil and Ankara resume as before.” -
Turkey declares curfew in 42 villages in Diyarbakir
Diyarbakir governate declared a curfew in 42 villages in Diyarbakır ahead of a military operation. -
Guerrillas: The isolation will bring about the end of Erdoğan
As all societal groups voice their opposition against the isolation on Öcalan, HPG and YJA-Star guerrillas in Shengal stated that the isolation will bring about the end of Erdoğan and his fascist regime, calling on all to increase the struggle. -
Tahir Elçi remembered where he was killed in Amed
A commemoration was held for the president of the Amed Bar Association Tahir Elçi on the second anniversary of his murder by the Four Pillared Minaret where he was murdered. -
35 people detained in Çatak district of Van
As many as 35 people have been taken into custody during house raids in Van’s Çatak district. -
Turkish jets shell Mount Asos on Rojhilat-Bashur border
Asos mountain on the Iran-Iraq (Eastern and Southern Kurdistan) border has been shelled by Turkish warplanes. -
Afghan man freezes to death trying to cross the border in Ağrı
An Afghan national man has frozen to death while he was trying to cross the Iran-Turkey border. -
PKK: We declare the 40th year the year for victory
PKK Executive Committee declared the 40th year of the PKK as the year for struggle and victory. PKK stated that PKK is a historic movement for holding to account and revolutionary vengeance, and stressed that the Besta martyrs will be avenged.