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Yagiz: The isolation will be broken if the people resist
HDP Member Nasir Yagiz is on day 100 of his hunger strike and continues despite serious health issues. Yagiz said the people should support the hunger strikers and added: “We should crown the resistance with victory in 2019.” -
Yagiz unable to stand up, has weakened heart
The hunger strike in Hewler against the isolation is on day 99. Nasir Yagiz, already hospitalized and still refusing treatment, continues in a critical state. Yagiz is unable to stand up and his heartbeat has weakened significantly. -
Yağız refused treatment, continues his hunger strike on day 98
Yagiz has started to lose his hearing and is having trouble distinguishing sounds. The doctors also say Yagiz’s issues with his sight are getting worse. -
Report submitted to UN on detainees in Behdinan
A report was submitted to the United Nations (UN) regarding the situation of people detained by KDP security forces during protests in January against the Turkish invasion attacks. -
Guerrilla air strike against Silopi Hacilar Base
HPG announced that an aerial unit carried out an action against the Hacilar Military Base in Sirnak’s Silopi district. Bombs were deployed against a building that was targeted 4 times. -
Yagiz on 98th day of fast losing his sight and hearing
Nasir Yagiz, on a hunger strike for 98 days in Hewler, is starting to lose his sight and hearing. -
Nasir Yagiz can’t sleep, can’t stand up
Nasir Yagiz has been on a hunger strike for 97 days and his body continues to weaken. Yagiz has been having trouble sleeping for a while, and now he is unable to stand up. -
HPG reports Turkish airstrikes on Zap and Xakurke
The Turkish state continues its attacks against southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq as part of its genocidal war against the Kurdish people and their lands. -
96th day of hunger strike: Nasır Yağız in critical condition
For 96 days, Kurdish activist Nasır Yağız has been on an indefinite hunger strike in Hewlêr against the isolation of PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan. Despite his poor state of health, he resolutely continues his action. -
Hunger striker in Maxmur: We'll continue our struggle to the end
The hunger strike in Maxmur protesting the isolation is on day 70. Fadile Tok, on an indefinite non-alternating hunger strike, said: “We will continue our struggle to the end.” -
Hunger striker Yagiz has trouble speaking and sleeping
The hunger strike in HDP’s Hewler representation office protesting the isolation is on day 95. Nasir Yagiz’s health continues to deteriorate. -
12 people detained in house raids in Van
The Turkish regime’s political genocide operations against the Kurdish people continue. -
Özdemir's candidacy rejected by the election board
The Central District Election Board rejected the candidacy of HDP Sabri Özdemir as co-chair for Batman. -
Rojava delegation visits hunger striker Yağız in Hewler
A delegation from Rojava has visited Nasır Yağız who is on hunger strike in Hewler for 94 days. -
Turkish jets shell Sidekan region in South Kurdistan
The Turkish invasion army continues its attacks against southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq. -
Hunger strikes in South Kurdistan continue
While Nasir Yağız’s hunger strike approaches day 100, Fadile Tok is fasting for 33 days in South Kurdistan. -
10 more people detained in Duhok
10 people protesting for the release of those detained in Duhok, Sheladize and Sire, have been taken into custody. -
Another case of torture in Van
Two young men were subjected to torture in gendarmerie custody in Van’s Ercis district. Both were subsequently arrested. -
Hunger striker Yagiz has trouble speaking
The hunger strikes are held in the Hewler Representation Office of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP). -
KDP-PUK deal lasts 2 days
The agreement between the KDP and PUK on the ministry in Baghdad, the Governorate in Kirkuk and the forming of the new regional government reached this week was voided by the PUK Politbureau before it was signed. -
Nasir Yagiz: Three months of resistance
The hunger strike by Yagiz is on the third month now, and his health is at stake with every hour that passes. -
HDP presented co-mayor candidates in Van region
Two election offices were opened in Ipekyolu while people and women’s meetings were held in Çaldıran, Edremit and Saray districts. -
45th group took over the hunger strike in Hewlêr on day 89
“We will continue our action until isolation ends. Actions must be extended against isolation and repression." -
KDP and PUK agree on Governorate and Government
KDP and PUK have reached an agreement on the Kirkuk Governorate, the ministry in the Baghdad government and the forming of the new regional government. -
"No matter what the cost, our action will continue and succeed"
Kurdish hunger striker Nasir Yagiz is experiencing severe conditions. Yagiz cannot stand up and his body rejects liquids. “Whatever it might cost, our hunger strike will continue until the isolation is broken,” said Yagiz.