It is the civilians who suffer the most in the Turkish state attacks against Bashure Kurdistan. Many civilians have been killed in bombings and airstrikes, while orchards, groves and homes that belong to villagers are routinely damaged. The villagers in the Bradost area where the invasion attacks are at their most intense continue their lives under great danger.
Villagers from the Seyran and Alekan villages in Bradost spoke to RojNews about their experience.
Mehsume Rehman from the Seyran village: “The Turkish state’s invasion attacks against the region pose a great danger for the villagers in Xelifan and Siran. Villagers in this area have to go up the mountains to see to their needs, but they are targeted by bombings and airstrikes if they do. We deal with animal husbandry. We must take our animals to the highlands to graze, but it is difficult due to the attacks. The village was targeted by bombings several time and many villagers have had to leave their homes. The Kurdistan regional government should protest the attacks and solve the villagers’ problems.”

Ziber Hemed from the Seyran village: “I condemn the Turkish state attacks. Since the invasion attacks started, all days and all nights are torture for us. We can’t even go to our orchards, groves or fields. When we do, we are attacked by Turkish soldiers. The Seyran village was bombed several times by the Turkish state. The villagers want to go up the mountains to get their business done, but they can’t due to the attacks. The villagers’ lives are in danger.
Although it is extremely clear that civilians live in the area, they use PKK as an excuse and bomb the place. They bomb civilian residential areas, they attack constantly. The Turkish state wants to evacuate the villages and depopulate the area with these attacks, but whatever happens we won’t leave our villages.

Aram Zuber: “With the Turkish army settling in the region, the villagers are in grave danger. The Turkish state bombed and destroyed many villages. This is the time of year when the villagers go up to the highlands, but they can’t due to the airstrikes and bombings. The Turkish state clearly wants to invade Bashur. On top of the occupation, our natural environment and our fields and orchards are being destroyed. The villagers can’t even go up to the highlands to pick beets and herbs. The Kurdish people and political parties in all four parts of Kurdistan must reject these invasion attacks by the Turkish state.”

Eshqi Zuber from the Alekan village: “As a resident of the Alekan village, I condemn the Turkish state’s invasion attacks. The villagers fear for their lives due to the attacks. We can’t move about in our own village after 10 p.m. because of the Turkish soldiers’ presence. The Kurdistan regional Government must find a solution to this at once.”