Latest News
KCK commemorates Qazi Muhammed and friends
KCK Executive Council Co-presidency commemorated Qazi Muhammed and friends, who were executed in Mahabad 73 years ago, and said: “Their longing, a free Kurdistan, will be real.” -
Police afraid of balloons with Leyla Guven’s photograph
The police banned the display of balloons with Leyla Guven’s photograph printed on them to be used in a HDP convoy in Amed. -
Guerrillas to hunger strikers: Our hearts beat with yours
Guerrillas sent a letter to the activists on hunger strike in South Kurdistan telling them: "Your action will be successful. Every guerrilla's heart beats with yours.” -
Political crisis in Hewler: KDP and Gorran come to an agreement
KDP and the Gorran movemnet have come to an agreement to reactivate the Federal Kurdistan Regional Presidency. A proposal signed by 68 MPs from both parties was submitted to the parliament. -
Yağız on day 128 day of hunger strike
Nasır Yağız is on an indefinite hunger strike against the isolation of Öcalan for 128 days and his health condition continues worsening. -
HPG reports Turkish airstrikes in Zap and Avashin
Turkish fighter jets bombed the Zap and Avashin areas. There were no casualties from guerrilla forces in the attack. -
8 soldiers killed as guerrillas hit Turkish units in Gabar
In actions by the HPG and the YJA-Star against Turkish operation units in the northern Kurdistan province of Şırnak eight soldiers of the Turkish army have been killed. There were no guerilla losses during the operation. -
Yagiz’s health deteriorates on day 126 of hunger strike
Nasir Yagiz, who has been on an indefinite nonalternating hunger strike for 126 days, has been getting worse by the day. -
37 houses raided, 11 people detained in Çatak
The Turkish regime has accelerated its political genocide operations before the local elections scheduled for March 31. -
Nasır Yağız: Let’s step up the resistance
"The brave sons and daughters of the Kurdish people, who are constantly acting with a spirit of resistance, are writing the golden pages of our history of sacrifice with their blood. We stand by them and we are grateful to them." -
KODAR called on people to help communities hit by floods
“We, KODAR, share the suffering of the Turkmen Sahara people and state that their suffering is our suffering." -
Hunger strikes in South Kurdistan continue
The hunger strike resistance has spread to many parts of South Kurdistan. -
‘Vengeance Teams’ claim the action against Turkish soldiers
What the Turkish media claimed to be an accident turned out to be a sabotage action in Silopi, Şırnak. -
Body of Çınar who ended her life in prison not given to family
Turkish authorities are not giving the body of political prisoner Medya Çınar, who carried out a sacrifice action this morning, to her family. The people and deputies waiting outside the hospital were attacked by the police. -
ISIS attacked Alas oil field near Kirkuk
Some ISIS members were killed and some others wounded as a result of the attack they carried out. -
MLKP Kurdistan: Bayram Namaz illuminates our path!
"You can not stop us. We will continue to defend and build the Rojava Revolution. We will destroy your colonialist fascist regime. We will free Kurdistan." -
Turkish airstrikes protested in Qeladızê
The Turkish state continues its genocidal attacks against the Kurdish people and their lands. -
Newroz celebrations in Kirkuk
The people celebrate Newroz in the Shiwesur area in Kirkuk. -
Footage from YJA STAR guerrillas' action in Hakkari countryside
Gerîla TV published footage from an action in which YJA-STAR guerrillas hit Turkish military forces in the countryside of Hakkari province. -
Turkish jets bombed a village in South Kurdistan
The Turkish invasion state continues its genocidal attacks against Kurds and their lands. -
110 people detained after the Newroz celebration in Amed
After the Newroz Festival in Amed, in which hundreds of thousands of people took part on March 21, the Turkish police arrested 110 participants. Among the affected are also children. -
Months long resistance in Hewler-Maxmur
The hunger strikes in Hewler have continued for 4 months, while the hunger strike in Maxmur has continued for 2. -
Newroz in Batman: Zülküf Gezen remembered
HDP deputy Ayşe Acar Başaran stressed that isolation will be broken and the crowded Newroz celebrations were a sign of this. -
Newroz in Cizre: Resistance message from tens of thousands
“Cizre has been the honor of the people of Kurdistan for years. Today we are all Leyla Güven." -
Tens of thousands joined Newroz celebration in Mardin
Kurdish people welcome Newroz in spirit of resistance.