Kurdish martyrs’ cemetery attacked in Lice

Families who went to the martyrs’ cemetery in Lice for Eid visits found the graves vandalized with sledgehammers.

Families flocked to the Martyr Amed and Martyr Hevidar Martyrs’ Cemetery in Lice’s Yolcati neighborhood for the Eid but were devastated when they found the graves damaged. Family member Afife Kartal said, “They are afraid of these lands.”

The families who visited the Martyr Amed and Martyr Hevidar Martyrs’ Cemetery in Lice’s Yolcati neighborhood found the cemetery vandalized. All tombstones were broken and some graves were completely destroyed with sledgehammers.


Family member Afife Kartal said, “The damaging of the graves is vile. They are afraid of these lands, these pieces of marble. They are afraid of our children’s names.”

Family member Mekremin Altindag said, “Who would do that to the dead? As long as we live, we won’t forget this.”