Kawa’s resistance flag in the hands of Kurdish guerrillas

The Newroz fire has been lit in the mountains of Kurdistan at a splendid military ceremony attended by PKK Executive Committee member Duran Kalkan, who drew attention to the mass attendance at Newroz celebrations in Kurdistan.

The Newroz fire has been lit in the mountains of Kurdistan at a splendid military ceremony attended by PKK Executive Committee member Duran Kalkan, who made a speech in which he drew attention to the mass attendance at Newroz celebrations in Kurdistan.

In addition to hundreds of guerrillas, PKK Executive Committee member Duran Kalkan, PKK Central Committee members Muzaffer Ayata, Nedim Seven and Kasım Engin, YJA-STAR commanders Binevş Cenk and Têkoşîn Amanos and HPG commander Tevfik Şiyar also attended the ceremony.

Following the ceremony, PKK Executive Committee member Duran Kalkan spoke, drawing attention to the importance of this year’s Newroz, coming as it does after the great victory in Kobanê.

Kalkan emphasised that the HPG, YPG, YPJ and YJA-Star fighters were waging a struggle for humanity against ISIS fascism.

Kalkan said that Newroz and International Women’s Day had become linked and that they both represented humanity and freedom. He emphasised that the resistance against ISIS in West and South Kurdistan was attracting women and youth from all parts of Kurdistan. He concluded by saying that the guerrillas were fighting heroically on all fronts, and creating a new life in the process.