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Heavy clashes in Şırnak
YPS-JIN member Gurbet Kaya (Jiyan Amargi) lost her life in clashes in Şırnak where self-rule resistance continues for the last 7 days against state attacks. -
Amed making history once again
Thousands of people flocking to Newroz held a minute of silence with Kurdish national anthem “Ey Raqîp” for those who lost their lives in the self-government resistances and the struggle for Kurdistan. -
Newroz celebration in Kobanê
Newroz celebrations organised with the slogan 'From free Rojava towards a democratic federal system' continue in Kobanê where the resistance of the ages against ISIS cruelty was displayed. -
Newroz celebration in Qandil continues with great enthusiasm
Newroz celebration in Qandil continues with speeches and cultural activities. -
Guerillas light Newroz fire in Makhmur
HPG and YJA-Star guerillas have lit the Newroz fire in the hills of Martyr Rüstem Cudi refugee camp (Makhmur). -
People of Rojava walk to Newroz areas
People have rushed to Newroz areas to celebrate the holiday in Dêrik, Girkê Legê, Tirbespiyê, Qamişlo, Amudê, Dirbêsiyê, Serêkaniyê, Til Temir and Hesekê cities of Rojava, West Kurdistan. -
Police attack people on their way to Newroz in Kızıltepe
Clashes broke out when police attacked youths who wanted to go to Mehmet Sincar Park in Kızıltepe for Newroz celebration. -
Thousands gather in Qandil to celebrate Newroz
Thousands of Kurds from the four parts of Kurdistan have gone to guerilla regions to attend the Newroz in Qandil. -
People of Amed start to gather in the Newroz area
Tens of thousands of people headed to Batıkent Newroz Square for Newroz celebrations held in Amed this year with the slogan “Victory through resistance” have sarted fill the square. -
Kawa and the story of Newroz
Although celebrated by others, Newroz is especially important for the Kurds as it is also the start of the Kurdish calendar and celebrates the Kurds own long struggle for freedom. -
Clashes spread across Şırnak
Clashes continue in the 6th day of a state of siege by Turkish military and police forces in Şırnak province. -
Newroz in Hewreman
Newroz celebrations have begun under the leadership of women in Palgan village in Hewreman region of Kamiyaran city, East (Rojhilat) Kurdistan. -
People resist against police crackdown on Newroz event in Batman
Amid an all-out ban on events to mark Kurdish New Year Newroz, police forces have staged a crackdown on thousands in the province of Batman as well. -
Newroz visit in Kobanê, land of martyrs
The Newroz Preparatory Committee in Kobanê Canton of Rojava, West Kurdistan last night visited Dicle Martyrs' Cemetery on occasion of the Kurdish New Year, Newroz. -
Attacks on Gever continue after yesterday's massacre with chemical gas
Reports came through yesterday that Turkish state forces used chemical gas in order to enter the neighborhoods protected by popular resistance for self-rule in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district. -
HDP deputy reports claims of chemical gas use in Gever
HDP Hakkari deputy Nihat Akdoğan said locals in Hakkari's Gever (Yüksekova) district told him that Turkish forces used chemical gas in civilian areas. -
KCK condemns attacks targeting civilians
KCK stated that it is against the targeting of civilians, and condemned attacks that are carried out in this way. KCK offered condolences and well wishes to the families of the civilians massacred in Istanbul earlier today. -
Tens of thousands celebrate Newroz in Hannover
Nearly 70 thousand people celebrated Newroz and saluted the resistance in North Kurdistan as well as the federation declaration in Rojava. -
AKP places jihadist gangs in the tent camp in Suruç
The ‘Syrian families’ that the AKP had brought from Hatay to the AFAD Tent Camp in Suruç turned out to be jihadists preparing for war in Syria. -
Newroz of millions despite the bans
Since the 1990s, Kurdish people have been celebrating Newroz in a spirit of resistance and millions have been going out to the streets despite state attacks and massacres. -
HDP: We invite everyone to join us in Cizre on March 22
The co-presidents of HDP and its affiliates, Central Executive Committee members and parliamentarians will attend the Newroz celebration in Cizre on March 22. -
HPG reports actions by guerrillas and attacks by Turkish army
HPG (People's Defense Forces) Media Center announced that guerrilla forces blocked the Amed-Bingöl road and targeted the soldiers constructing a road in Heftanin. -
Shengal Construction Assembly: Federation a hope for Democratic Syria
Shengal Construction Assembly described the federation declaration in Rojava as the cornerstone of Syria’s democratization. -
KCK: Kurds should show the AKP that Newroz cannot be banned
KCK released a written statement on Newroz celebrations and invited everyone to view the state’s attempt to ban Newroz as an attack on people’s existence, freedom, and democratic life. -
Jaysh al-Thuwar commander: Turkey intensified its support to the gangs
Jaysh al-Thuwar commander Ebu Heci stated that with its attacks on Tishrin and the Euphrates, ISIS was aiming to prevent a possible SDF operation in the region.