Latest News
Turkish attack starts a fire in Gabar
Turkish military operations continue in various parts of Kurdistan. -
HPG: Guerrilla resistance in Heftanin continues
Guerrilla forces are mounting historic resistance against the Turkish military campaign seeking to invade Heftanin region in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). -
Turkish jets bomb Christian village in South Kurdistan
The Turkish state’s genocidal attacks in various parts of Kurdistan in violation of international law, continues. -
Turkish war planes bomb surrounding of Bêrsivê in Zaxo
Turkish war planes are bombing the surroundings of the village of Bêrsivê, Derkarê, in Zaxo, South Kurdistan. -
HPG vows to avenge civilians killed by Turkish attacks
The HPG drew attention to the fact that Turkey wants to occupy the whole of Southern Kurdistan and is deliberately attacking civilians. The HPG announced retaliation for the civilians killed on Friday. -
KDP asayish attack people attending funeral for civilians -UPDATE
People joining the funeral are responding to the attack by throwing stones. -
People gather in Sheladize to bid farewell to martyrs
A funeral will take place for the five civilians who were killed by Turkish air raid in Sheladize yesterday. -
HPG: Two helicopters damaged, 22 soldiers killed in Heftanin
Guerrillas continue inflicting blows on the occupant Turkish army in Kurdistan territory. -
Park in Maxmur reopened after lengthy renovation
Despite Turkish air attacks, corona pandemic and embargo, the population of the self-governing Maxmur camp is determined to maintain its social life. -
Yazidis in Shengal: We will not let Turkey drive us away
Turkey’s attacks on Shengal are seen by the Yazidis as a continuation of the genocide and a targeted policy of expulsion in the sense of neo-Ottoman expansionism. But nobody thinks about giving up their homeland, they say. -
South Kurdistan government didn't see the Turkish massacre
Kurdistan Regional Government said they want "friendly relations with neighboring countries" and do not want the Kurdistan Region’s soil to be used "as a launchpad for attacks on any nation". -
HPG releases identity of 4 guerrillas fallen martyrs in Xakurkê
The HPG Press Center disclosed the identity information of the guerrillas who fell martyrs following the air raid on Xakurkê on 25 May. -
Turkish jets bomb Xantur area in South Kurdistan
Turkish military attacks and activities increasing in southern Kurdistan, northern Iraq. -
Turkish air raid kills 4 civilians in Sida – UPDATE
Turkish aerial bombardment killed four civilians in Sida region of southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). -
HPG reports heavy losses for the Turkish army in Heftanin
HPG published a current balance of the guerrilla resistance against the Turkish military invasion in Heftanin. Accordingly, at least 20 soldiers were killed in the latest actions and clashes. -
10 people detained in Bingöl
Following the detention of three people in Bingöl’s Karlıova district in the early morning hours, seven more people have been detained. -
Turkish airstrikes kill four civilians in South Kurdistan
The Turkish state continues its genocidal attacks against the Kurdish people in various parts of Kurdistan. -
People in Sulaymaniyah protest Turkish attacks
Thousands of people marched in Basurê (South) Kurdistan, in Sulaymaniyah, to protest the Turkish state's invasion and the occupation attacks. -
Turkish airstrikes in South Kurdistan continue
The Turkish regime’s genocidal attacks continue in three parts of Kurdistan. -
Reconnaissance flights over Maxmur refugee camp
Reports are coming through of reconnaissance activity over Maxmur refugee camp that was bombed by Turkey four days ago. -
Turkish war planes bomb Sidekan, kill civilian
Turkish warplanes targeted civilians in the region of Sidekan in South Kurdistan. One civilian was killed. -
HPG discloses identity of three guerrillas
The HPG Press Center disclosed the identity of three guerrillas who fell martyrs in Herekol. -
HPG: We will effectively respond to Turkish occupation attacks
The HPG Press Center made a written statement regarding the invasion attack launched by Turkey on Heftanin. -
Were chemical bombs used in Maxmur?
There are indications that Turkish war planes may also have dropped chemical bombs on Maxmur, during the simultaneous attack also involving Medya Defense Areas and Shengal. -
KCK: Let's stand against genocidal attacks and increase struggle
The KCK Executive Council Co-Presidency issued a written statement on the Turkish state's invasion attacks.