Racist remarks written on school stairs in mainly Kurdish neighbourhood in Adana

Racist remarks including ‘Speak Turkish or shut up’ were written on the stairs of a school in the Onur neighbourhood, in the southern Turkish city of Adana where mainly Kurds live.

Some remarks praising the Turkish language were written on the stairs of the 125. Yıl Secondary School in the Onur neighbourhood of Adana's Seyhan district. There are racist expressions among the sentences in Turkish that were written on each of the school's 10-step stairs.

Some of these expressions include: “Let's not be ashamed of our language”, “Speak Turkish or shut up!, “Being Turkish means speaking Turkish”, “There is no deficiency in Turkish, what about you?”, and “He who loses his language loses his country”.

The Onur neighbourhood, where the school in question is located, is mostly populated by Kurdish residents. Reacting to the action, the students’ parents demanded the removal of discriminatory and racist expressions.