Woman killed in Iğdır by husband she was divorcing

A woman named Dilan K. was murdered by her husband, Maruf K., in Iğdır. The couple was in the process of divorce.

Dilan K., mother of two children lived in the neighborhood of Karaağaç in Iğdır. She was murdered by her husband, Maruf K., while in the process of divorce.

Dilan K., who was subjected to systematic violence by her husband, filed for divorce and settled in the house where her mother lived.

Maruf K. broke the window of the house where Dilan K. was living, broke into the house at around 2 am and shot Dilan K. with a firearm. Maruf K. then escaped from the crime scene.

Alerted by neighbors health and police teams reached the house but Dilan K. had already died. It was learned that Dilan K.'s body was taken to the morgue of Iğdır State Hospital.