Women Teachers' Conference held in Maxmur Camp

The slogan of the conference was "Stand up for freedom".

The 4th Women Teachers Education Conference was held at Martyr Rüstem Cudi (Maxmur) Refugee Camp. The conference saw the participation of 150 delegates.

The slogan of the conference was "Stand up for freedom".

Hêlin Bilen delivered the opening speech. Delegates listened to the 2-year annual report, political and organizational situation assessment, while on the second day of the conference, assessments and discussions were held aiming at the planification for the new academic year.

Evin Tayboğan, Şerifa Kara, Çimen Kaplan, Ferîde Tekîn, Bêrîvan Çomlek were elected as executives and representatives of the women teacher.

On the other hand, Silamet Erdoğan, Evîn Yeman and Bêrîvan Demir were elected as members of the disciplinary committee.

Fadile Tok, member of the Ishtar Assembly, delivered the closing speech of the conference. She said: "We would like to congratulate the 4th Women Teachers Education Conference which has been inspired by the architect freedom, Leader Apo. We salute the Peace Mothers and all Martyr Rüstem Cudi Refugee Camp mothers. We wish that our conference will be instrumental for the future important developments".