The bridge of solidarity built by women in Latin America with the women's resistance in Kurdistan has once again demonstrated the spirit of common struggle that transcends borders.
In the rallies organized in Buenos Aires and La Plata in Argentina, Bogotá and Medellín in Colombia, Santiago and Vinya del Mar in Chile, Montevideo in Uruguay and San Cristobal in Mexico, the leaflets published by the Kurdistan Women's Movement were handed out to the people.
Women in Abya Yala demonstrated their solidarity with the people of Kurdistan not only through actions, but also through informational seminars and tents to inform the public.
In Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, seminars on “The Color of the Kurdistan Women's Revolution and its Impact on the Women of the World” were held at the University of Bogotá and in San Cristobal district.
In San Cristobal, Mexico, an information tent was set up where materials on the Kurdistan Women's Revolution were distributed.
In Chile, seminars on Democratic Confederalism were held and women's resistance and forms of organization were discussed.