Rengin Women's Choir releases song and video clip to mark 25 November

Established last year in London, the Rengin (Colour) Women's Choir performed the song and shot a clip of the song 'There are Women' to mark '25 November’. The clip was launched on social media.

The Rengin Women's Choir got together to sing folk songs on online platforms during the lockdown ordered to counter the Covid-19 pandemic and it is now growing rapidly and performing new songs.

With the end of lockdown, the Rengin Women's Choir began to work live and increased the number of participants. Now they have prepared a video clip for the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

The clip, which was shot by "Women Exist" linked to Filiz Kerestecioğlu a female politician known for her feminist identity, and the song was performed in both Turkish and Kurdish. Women took part in the preparation, shooting and editing stages of the clip which stresses the importance of solidarity with women and commemorates women victims of violence who lost their lives.