How can Turkey be saved?

If Leader Apo is wanted to play a role, conditions for this must be created immediately. The opportunity for Leader Apo to meet with everyone, including the PKK leadership, must be created, and Turkey's democratic change must be initiated on this basis.

The Israeli attacks, which have been intensifying for about a month, have undoubtedly dealt a heavy blow to Lebanese Hezbollah. To be honest, many people did not expect such a war, they did not think that Israel would deal such a heavy blow to Hezbollah in such a short time. Because Hezbollah also had power, making military preparation and deployment. There were also some states that it relied on, such as Iran. But the results were a bit surprising for almost everyone. It even shook and shocked many of them. Why?

There are, of course, many answers to this question. For example, if Israel had attacked from the ground and not from the air, it would not have achieved such rapid and effective results. One of the reasons for the current military result is that Israel had prepared for and relied on an air attack. Again, Israel followed a clever tactic by first detonating the devices and then cutting off contact. This is also an important reason for the current result. Moreover, the indecisive war policy pursued by Hezbollah and Iran, on which it relies, has also been a factor in this outcome. Hezbollah and Iran, while appearing to support Hamas, have also pursued an attitude of political reconciliation. It is even rumoured that Israel and Hezbollah came to the point of signing a ceasefire through the mediation of France and similar powers. It was at this point that Israel carried out the big attack and hit Hassan Nasrallah. In other words, Hezbollah and Iran have been brought into a kind of political game. It is said that the reaction of the French Administration to Israel stems from this.

So, what will happen now? Obviously, the US-Israeli bloc will try to reshape Lebanon. It will want to create a Lebanon in which Hezbollah and Iranian influence are weakened and which does not pose a threat to Israel. Not satisfied with this, it will try to neutralise Iran's power outside its borders. In other words, it will target Iran's power spread throughout the region. It had already started this process four years ago by shooting Qassem Soleimani. Now, based on the military superiority it has achieved, it will try to reach a conclusion.

In the face of this state of affairs, the current Iranian leadership is always talking about peace, trying to limit the war as much as possible and to continue the search for reconciliation. However, it is difficult to realise this unilaterally. Even though the Iranian administration approaches this way, a kind of Israeli-Iranian war has already emerged. In other words, the circles that rely on and want such a war have actually found what they were looking for. Let's see who will gain and who will lose from this war.

Undoubtedly, the AKP-MHP administration was one of the forces that most wanted and provoked a war between Israel and Hezbollah, and therefore Iran. The spokespersons and lackeys of this administration were resorting to all kinds of lies and tricks to provoke such a war a month ago. However, when the war started and the harsh Israeli attacks came to light, they became tongue-tied and started to say ‘We are against war’ with a sharp ‘U’ turn. The bombs that exploded in Beirut shook the foundations of the Palace in Beştepe. It seems that those who thought everything was as easy as slaughtering Kurds and women began to realise the seriousness of the matter with the Lebanon war. So, despite their warmongering, they thought that such a war would not happen. But when they saw the reality and realised that their turn was coming, they started to show childish behaviour.

First, the fascist chief Tayyip Erdoğan said ‘Israel will attack us too’ from the rostrum of the parliament. Having received or given the message, the fascist chief Devlet Bahçeli kissed the hands of DEM Party members in the parliament for no reason. Discussions on a ‘resolution process’ were raised again. KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Chair Besê Hozat, referring to Devlet Bahçeli, said, ‘İmralı is there, take Erdoğan and Özel with you, go and solve the problems with Leader Apo’. In response to this, Devlet Bahçeli addressed Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) and called on him to ‘surrender and liquidate the organisation’. In other words, he once again repeated what he had been taught by heart since his youth.

A debate on these issues has been raging in the visual and print media, with the government and the opposition, the right and the left. For more than two weeks, everyone has been arguing day and night. People have been shouting at each other for hours. Countless fictions are made every day; some almost go to the point of saying that the PKK has liquidated itself, some utter threats from a high level, some call the prosecutors to duty and threaten to ‘shut down’ the DEM Party. As the saying goes, if you tell a lie forty times, the first person to tell it believes it to be true! This is how they are trying to make themselves believe their own lies. What is being done in the name of so-called debate is like whistling while passing through a cemetery.

In fact, they are trying to overcome their fear by talking and shouting so much. A great fear has fallen into them. Their anti-Kurdish, fascist-genocidal mentality and politics have completely collapsed. They are trying to deceive society and overcome their fear by deepening the special war in this way. When the effect of the bombs exploding in Lebanon is added on top of the defeat they have suffered in Kurdistan, they are beginning to see what will happen to them, albeit hardly. Why?

Because once they were defeated against the Kurdish freedom struggle, their fascist, colonialist and genocidal faces came out in the open and were thoroughly exposed. The Global Freedom Campaign [Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question], which aims for the physical freedom of Leader Apo, has spread this reality to the whole world. In the face of Kurdishness gaining freedom, it has become impossible to maintain the fascist mentality and politics in Turkey that is hostile to Kurds, women and the people. There is only one way out for Turkey, and that is democratisation based on Kurdish freedom.

Secondly, there is no longer any room for the existing Turkey within the system of capitalist modernity, of which it has been a part for a century. There was no existing Turkey in the global structuring of the capitalist modernity system. This Turkey, which has been alive for a hundred years, has existed on the basis of two things: The October Revolution in Russia and Kurdish support! Without these, there would not have been such a Turkey after the First World War. On the basis of these two forces, the Kemalist movement developed and gained strength, and on the basis of the two tasks assigned to it, it was recognised by Britain and France and became a state. One was to encircle the Soviet Union from the south, and the other was to serve as a model for the nation-state organisation in the Middle East and the birth of Israel by agreeing to the division of the Arabs!

In the last century, the Turkish Republic fulfilled both of these tasks. It stood against the Soviet Union and served the formation of the real Israel as a proto-Israel. The Soviet Union no longer exists, the present Russia is not the Soviet Union of the past, so this task of Turkey is over. After the Second World War, the real Israel was established and now, in the Third World War, the system of capitalist modernity wants to reshape the Middle East region on the basis of Israel-Arab reconciliation. It is trying to change the Middle East system, which was shaped under the leadership of Turkey and Iran after the First World War. Iran's extraterritorial forces are targets on this basis, but apart from these, Iran within its own borders exists within the global organisation of capitalist modernity. Turkey, on the other hand, which is not part of this organisation and has existed for centuries on the basis of additional tasks, is now the main power that needs to be changed. In other words, it is in contradiction with the system in which it exists. Whether it leans on NATO or begs Russia-China, it is not possible to change this fact. Turkey will change according to this system; Turkey will change according to the Kurds, women and working peoples. If it changes according to the latter, the current unity of Turkey can keep itself alive as an alternative democratic system. This is Turkey's only chance.

There is neither the Soviet Union nor Kurdish support to keep Turkey alive for the last century. Within the current system, it can only survive by serving Israel, as a servant-slave; it has no other chance. In this situation, the only real chance is to regain Kurdish support. The way to do this is democratisation on the basis of Kurdish freedom. The real situation is so serious and concrete. Therefore, there is no time to be spent on discussions based on speculation. Problems cannot be solved just by going to Imrali. Since it is desired that Leader Apo plays a role, then the conditions for this must be created immediately. The opportunity for Leader Apo to meet with everyone, including the PKK leadership, must be created, and, on this basis, Turkey's democratic change must be initiated. Those who really love Turkey must hurry. Because there may be no time left for change.


Source: Yeni Özgür Politika