‘Dialogue with Öcalan’ event in Turin

Women in Turin organized an event in the scope of the ‘Dialogue with Öcalan’ days.

Events continue all around the world following the call of the Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Campaign Committee for participation in the Global Days of Events from 15 to 22 June 2024, "Dialogue with Öcalan – you can’t imprison ideas!"

In this scope, internationalist young women opened an art exhibition and a stand with Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan's books in Turin, Italy.

Women denouncing the İmralı torture system opened an art exhibition on "Women and self-defence against militarism" and a stand with Öcalan’s books.

Young women creatively told the story of women, from "witch burning" to the resistance of countless women in history, including martyr Sakine Cansız.

The exhibition also dealt with the Third World War, which is raging today, and the historic resistance of women guerrillas in the free mountains of Kurdistan.

Abdullah Öcalan's philosophy and women's liberation came to the fore in the event.

Abdullah Öcalan's "rose theory" and the 5 principles of women's liberation were also represented in the art gallery, after which a seminar was held.