"Attacks on women in Afrin will be responded with self-defence"

In occupied Afrin women are abducted and tortured. The Kurdish women's movement in Europe calls for self-defence and condemned the rapist mentality born by the occupation forces.

The Europe-wide Kurdish women's umbrella organisation TJK-E has issued a statement on the crimes against women committed by the Turkish state and its Islamist proxies in Afrin, saying: "The dirty face of the unofficial war that the Turkish state has been waging for two years in Afrin and the other areas of Rojava through its jihadist gangs in disregard of universal legal norms is becoming clearer every day.”

TJK-E pointed out that this war manifests itself in the targeted demographic change of the region and the destruction of historical cultural assets. “The occupation and annihilation campaign is essentially an attack on the democratic-confederal system in northeast Syria, in the construction of which women have taken a leading role.”

The statement continued: "The Turkish state cannot tolerate this system that is based on women's liberation and therefore directs its colonialist aggressiveness especially against women. Since the beginning of the occupation in 2018, it has systematically destroyed the achievements of the Kurdish people in Afrin and committed massacres against the people and especially against women. This openly shows that the Turkish state here represents and continues the ISIS mentality. The abduction, rape and murder of women by the occupying forces are now commonplace.

Recently, the occupying forces have circulated images in the social media which show that women who have been captured are held in a kind of internment camp and are taken to another place accompanied by violence, torture and assaults. It is common knowledge that the Turkish state, like the ISIS, publishes its cruel actions so that friend and foe can see. The states and international institutions which remain silent on the atrocities committed in front of the world public are as responsible for this brutality as Turkey.”

TJK-E stressed that: “The freedom movement of the Kurdish people will give the necessary answer to the colonialist rapist mentality as always on the basis of self-defence. As women from Kurdistan living in Europe, we condemn the rapist mentality of the Turkish state and the gangs collaborating with it. We call on all our people, all women and the international public to adopt a stand against the atrocity and exploitation committed in Afrin.”