Şîrîn Mihemed serves the Rojava Revolution with her pen and voice

23-year-old Şîrîn Mihemed serves the Rojava Revolution by reflecting the reality of society with her journalism and voice.

Şîrîn Mihemed is a journalist and artist who sincerely reflects the beauty, pain and truth of the territory where she was born. Mihemed, who interprets the emotions of society with both her voice and her pen, raises society's awareness by boldly revealing its reality, thus bringing to light the unknown.

Şîrîn Mihemed (23) is from Qamishlo. She is a journalist for Nûjinha Women's News Agency, as well as a student at the Faculty of Law. She is also a woman who loves art. She discovered she had a beautiful voice when she was a child. Mihemed gives priority to school life and journalism, and has just recently begun her artistic life, in March 2024.

ANF talked to the young woman about both journalism and art life.

Growing up in an artistic environment

Şîrîn Mihemed said she grew up in an artistic family. "My family was involved with music and instruments. They love artistic life. Living in a family that loves culture clearly increased my interest in it. I can say that I have a personality that grew up with culture. I discovered at a young age that I had a beautiful voice. Yet, I thought I should focus on my school life rather than on singing. I was educating my voice, but I didn't give my priority to music. In March 2024, I decided to take a more decided step into music. It was a small step, but I had reached some point in my school life and I thought that I could put my love for music into practice."

Fighting against cultural genocide

Şîrîn Mihemed spoke about the importance of culture, saying that "music is an important tool for preserving the culture of the people and transmitting it to the next generation, while it also has the quality of opening people's horizons. It has an important role in the development of sociality. Societies can promote their culture, language and identity and preserve their existence through music. In addition, people are known for their music and can convey the message they want to give through music. With music, you can convey your feelings and thoughts to society and appeal to the emotions of society. Most importantly, you can tell the past, present and, in short, the reality of people to the world through music."

Mihemed said: "The music in which I can use my voice best is folk music. I strive to revive old songs and make them the focus of the new generation. We can closely understand the history of people, especially the Kurdish people, when we listen to old pieces. Thus, the history and culture of the people will be transferred from generation to generation. Singers can create a revolution with their voices and intellectuals with their pens. Each artist chooses the songs and music genres in which he/she can use his/her voice well. I also focused on singing songs about the Rojava Revolution and songs that expressed the spirit, truth and achievements of the revolution. I think that singing a song in every tone will be an important step."

Working in journalism since 2019

Şîrîn Mihemed decided to get involved in journalism after the Turkish state occupied Serêkaniye in 2019. "As I became more competent in journalism, I started to love my profession more. I never thought I would become a journalist one day. The more I got into it, the more I understood it. Through journalism, I had the opportunity to get to know myself and the sociology of society.

We have been able to reach these days thanks to the Rojava Revolution. I got to know Kurdish history and society with the Rojava Revolution. I grasped the reality of a people who were oppressed, subjected to assimilation and genocide. We cannot forget the efforts of the Rojava Revolution. I am also a child of the Rojava Revolution. I grew up with the Rojava Revolution. The Kurdish people have gone through many difficult times. It was oppressed, assimilated, and subjected to massacres. We need to take big steps to prevent the new generation, that is, us, from experiencing the same. Whoever can, with our voices and pens, must develop and protect the Rojava Revolution and fulfil their duties and responsibilities. Thus, we can be the voice of the Kurdish people in the world."

Being the voice of society

Mihemed said: "We are the voice of the people of Northern and Eastern Syria. I thought I could find a way to ease the burden on our shoulders through art and press work. I become the voice of my people and women with my pen while telling our reality to the world with my voice. I convey women's pain, gains, struggles, stories and victories to the people of the world through my news. As a journalist, I struggle to be the voice of Kurdish women but also Armenian, Turkmen, Assyrian and Arab women. As a woman, there is nothing prouder for me than writing about women's struggles, achievements and stories and turning them into history. The press is the mirror and language of society. Therefore, it is our duty to reflect and write about the struggle of women and society. With the Rojava Revolution, we became artists, journalists, writers and intellectuals. We owe this day to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the Rojava Revolution. Thanks to the martyrs, today people sing, write and read in their own languages."

Women's history should be written by women

Mihemed added: "Women whose hearts beat for freedom should not fall short of their talents. They should play their role in society in whatever way they can, through art, economy, politics, writing. In this context, women should write their own women's history with their voice, pen and work, so that others do not write women's history wrongly."