The Movement for a Democratic Socirty (TEV-DEM) organized a mass rally in Kobanê demanding to learn about the health and security conditions of Kurdish People’s Leader Abdullah Öcalan.

In addition to civilians, members of the Autonomous Administration Council, Civil Society Organizations, Martyrs’ Families, teachers, fighters, Asayish (public security) and HPC (Civil Defense Forces) members were present in the protest demonstration.

The mass marched from Free Women’s Square to Martyr Egîd Square with Öcalan’s images and flags of TEV-DEM, PYD and YPG/YPJ.
PYD (Democratic Union Party) General Assembly member Dîlber Yûsif spoke on behalf of the demonstrators and urged the Turkish state to immediately clarify public opinion about the situation of the Kurdish leader. Yûsif also called on all states to act for Öcalan’s freedom.