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Gerîla TV releases images of new action by guerrillas in Avashin
Gerîla TV released images of the action carried out by guerrillas on 20 June in Avashin. -
YJA-Star commander Koçgiri: The Third World War is decided in Kurdistan
YJA-Star commander, Pelşin Koçgiri, describes the heavy war in the Medya Defense Areas, which has been going on for two months, as the "final phase of the Third World War." -
No news from the NES officials detained by the KDP two weeks ago
The three representatives of North-East Syria were detained by the KDP forces at Hewler Airport, where they went to receive their guests on June 10. -
HPG releases 2-month balance sheet of battle: 389 invaders were killed
HPG Press Centre has released the 2-month balance sheet of Turkish state's invasion attacks and the Cenga Xabur and Bazên Zagrosê countermoves in the Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). -
Village in South Kurdistan under Turkish attack since early morning
The invading Turkish state continues its intensified genocidal attacks on southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq) that deliberately target civilian settlements. -
KNK delegation visits Maxmur refugee camp
Visiting the Maxmur Camp under Turkish attack and KRG embargo, KNK co-chair Zeyneb Murad called upon authorities to break their silence on the attacks against civilian population. -
Turkish army bombs village in South Kurdistan
The Turkish Air Force has bombed the village of Mijê near Duhok in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). Fighter jets carried out seven waves of attacks. -
Peace Delegation member: Turkish invasion of South Kurdistan must be stopped
Dr. Mechthild Exo is one of the member of the International Peace Delegation that managed to reached South Kurdistan despite, as she said, the “many obstacles we faced. They sent many delegation members back to their home countries." -
Gerîla TV releases footage of action carried out by Martyr Delal Air Defense Force in Avashin
Gerîla TV released footage an the action carried out by Martyr Delal Air Defense Force in Avashin on 11 June. -
Guerrilla commander Ulaş Dersim martyred in South Kurdistan
HPG commander Ulaş Dersim was martyred in a Turkish air strike in southern Kurdistan. He was in the guerrilla ranks for 24 years and fought for a long time in the mountains of his birthplace, Dersim. -
PUK: We are ready to mediate in order to avoid inter-Kurdish conflict
PUK Presidential Council Member Arêz Ebdullah said that Turkey aims at invading South Kurdistan and added that they are ready to mediate in order to prevent an inter-Kurdish conflict. -
YJA-Star guerrilla Zîlan Botan: Nobody gets into Zagros Mountains easily
YJA-Star guerrilla Zîlan Botan talked about the resistance in the Medya Defense Areas and calls on the population of Hakkari to rebel. -
PUK co-chair: “We won't participate in a fratricide war. Crisis must be solved through dialogue"
PUK co-chair Lahor Şêx Cengî said: “We won't participate in a fratricide war. The crisis must be resolved through dialogue.” -
Intellectuals: Nobody has the right to start an intra-Kurd fight
Intellectuals from Girke Lege voiced criticized the KDP for supporting the invasion attacks of the Turkish state on southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq). -
Artist Ciwanro Baleban murdered in Hewlêr
Armed attack claims the life of Kurdish artist Ciwanro Baleban in Hewlêr. -
YRK: Two female guerrillas martyred in Turkish air attack
Two female guerrilla fighters were martyred in Turkish air strike in the Iraq-Iran border area last Saturday. -
Defend Kurdistan Initiative continues its talks in Sulaymaniyah
The Defend Kurdistan Initiative which includes international members from many countries has visited the Tevgera and the Kurdistan Communist Party (Hizba Shiu) in the city of Sulaymaniyah in southern Kurdistan. -
Sozdar Avesta welcomes the 'Defend Kurdistan' initiative
Sozdar Avesta, member of the KCK General Presidential Council, welcomed the new initiative 'Defend Kurdistan'. -
HPG pays tribute to Metîna martyr Têkoşer Botan
The HPG announced that guerrilla Têkoşer Botan has fallen a martyr. The Yazidi guerrilla from Shengal, who survived the ISIS genocide in 2014 and fell in May 2021 in Metîna during the resistance to the Turkish occupation. -
Turkey bombs yet another civilian settlement in South Kurdistan
Turkey’s attacks continue in various parts of Kurdistan as part of its genocidal campaign against the Kurdish people. -
Human Shield activists denounce KDP intervention: We won’t remain silent
The Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) forces have halted young activists who attempted to go to the Qandil region as human shields against the invasion attacks of the Turkish army. The activists have condemned the KDP intervention. -
International delegation stopped on the way to Qandil
The international delegation "Defend Kurdistan" and representatives of Kurdish movements and parties were stopped at the last checkpoint before the Qandil region. Security forces fired warning shots. -
Guerrillas: The enemies flee the areas leaving their supplies behind
The Turkish army launched an invasion attack on the village of Kestê in Metina, part of the Medya Defense Areas, on 14 May, but fled the area leaving its supplies behind thanks to the guerrilla resistance. -
Italian internationalist: Division among Kurds only serves enemies of peace
Italian internationalist Jessica Todaro described the South Kurdistan government's support for Turkey's policies as "dangerous" and said that the division among Kurds would only serve the enemies of peace. -
Gerrilla Hewraz: Young people from Hewraman should play their part against the Turkish invasion
Hewraz Hewraman, a guerrilla from Hewraman who fought in the Cenga Xabur resistance, said: "Young people from Hewraman should join the resistance ranks and prevent the Turkish state from invading South Kurdistan."