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‘Turkey must be reported to the UN and prosecuted for using chemical weapons’
Human rights activists demand that Turkey, which has come to the fore with its use of chemical weapons, be reported to the UN and tried before international courts. -
Guerrillas hit Turkish troops in Metina and Avaşîn
HPG/YJA Star guerrillas carried out actions using heavy weapons against the invading Turkish army in Metîna and Avaşîn. -
Martyr Helgûrt Siyabend - A life in the struggle for freedom
Guerrilla martyr Helgûrt Siyabend came from Kop in North Kurdistan. He dedicated his life to the struggle for freedom and fell in the southern Kurdish region of Xakurke. -
Gorran board of directors resigns
The entire Gorran board of directors learned the lesson from the election debacle and resigned. The Movement for Change was unable to win a single mandate in the Iraqi parliamentary elections. -
Guerrillas seize large number of military equipment left by fleeing Turkish soldiers
Guerrillas seized a large amount of military equipment belonging to the invading Turkish army in the Werxelê area of Avaşîn. The footage indicates that the soldiers left their belongings and fled in panic. -
Remembering Martyr Hogir Baran
Kirkuk has long been coveted by those with colonial aspirations. -
Protest at Sêmalka: "Barzani commits treason against the Kurdish people"
Thousands of people have once again protested at the Sêmalka border crossing in northern Syria against the collaboration of the KDP party, dominated by the Barzani clan, with the Turkish state. -
Guerrillas strike Turkish troops in Zap
In retaliation for the Turkish army's deadly use of banned chemical weapons, guerrillas targeted the occupying forces in the Zap region, killing three soldiers. -
MLKP guerrilla: We will never allow Turkish occupation
The guerrillas of the MLKP also take part in the resistance against the Turkish invasion in the Medya Defense Zones. MLKP fighter Munzur Baran declares that they will never allow a Turkish occupation of the region. -
HPG releases names of five guerrillas killed by Turkish chemical attack in Werxelê
HPG released the names of their five members who died in a Turkish army poison gas attack in Werxelê a week ago. In an obituary for the martyrs, the guerrilla organization announces retaliation. -
Investigation into commemoration of Kurdish child killed by police
An investigation has been launched following a commemoration event for Miraç Miroğlu who died in İdil district of Şırnak after being hit by an armoured vehicle belonging to the Turkish army in early September. -
PADÊ demands voting cancellation
PADÊ applied to Nineveh Election Commission regarding the Iraqi Parliamentary elections and demanded that voting be cancelled in Shengal. -
Guerrillas strike Turkish attack helicopters in Avaşîn and Zap
HPG/YJA Star guerrillas struck and damaged two Turkish attack helicopters in the Avaşîn and Zap areas. -
Member of Sarmaşık Association sentenced to two years' imprisonment
Dr. Mehmet Selim Ölçer from the board of the Sarmaşık Association in Amed has been sentenced to two years and one month in prison. -
A group of guerrillas in Werxelê puts up epic resistance
For over four months, a group of guerrillas in the battle tunnels of Werxelê has been mounting epic resistance and pushing back every attack with new tactics. -
KDP blocks Peace Mothers asking for the bodies of slain guerrillas
Peace Mothers started to march to the Faysh Khabur Border Crossing in Southern Kurdistan asking to be given the bodies of the guerrillas who were martyred after the KDP ambush in Xelifan. The mothers were blocked by the KDP forces. -
Shepherds prepare for winter in difficult conditions
The shepherds in Hakkari are preparing for the upcoming winter. They are more dependent than ever on collecting hay and fresh greenery as fodder for their animals, as feed prices continue to skyrocket. -
Guerrilla Delîla Yusuf: We made the enemies run in panic
Guerrilla Delîla Yusuf acts as a sniper to resist the Turkish invasion of the Medya Defense Areas. "These attacks in particular have very serious psychological effects on the enemy," she explains. -
HPG: Five guerrillas were killed by Turkish chemical weapons in Werxelê
In the resistance area of Werxelê in Southern Kurdistan, five guerrillas have been killed by Turkish chemical weapons. "They resisted until their last breath and have become immortal," said the HPG. -
Women urge the KDP to stop hostility to the Kurdistan freedom movement
Members of Kongreya Star staged a march at Semelka border crossing between Rojava and Bashur (West and South Kurdistan) in protest at the KDP’s betrayal against the Kurdish people. -
Basic training for Yazidi security forces completed
One year after the agreement reached between Baghdad and Hewlêr to dissolve all autonomous institutions in Shengal, thirty young Yazidis have completed their basic training and joined the self-governing security forces. -
Footage of YJA Star action in Werxelê
Four soldiers were killed and two others were injured in an attack by the women's guerrilla force YJA Star against Turkish occupation forces in southern Kurdistan. Gerîla TV has published footage of the action. -
HPG announces martyrdom of Commander Azad Çelê
The HPG said that Commander Sıddık Budakbeyoğlu (Azad Çelê) had fallen a martyr due to illness. -
Police besiege several neighbourhoods in Yüksekova
Police have been besieging several residential areas in Yüksekova for five days. “The situation is worrying. We can't even visit our neighbours anymore. Armoured cars are at every corner, said a local resident. -
PUK condemns Turkey's drone attack of Çemçemal
The PUK condemned Turkey for the drone attack in Çemçemal which caused the death of a woman while 2 citizens were wounded.