Residents of Maxmur visit the camp cemetery on the first day of Eid

The people of Martyr Rüstem Cudi Refugee Camp welcomed Eid with a visit to the cemetery in the camp.

The people of Martyr Rüstem Cudi Refugee Camp in Maxmur started their Eid day by visiting the camp cemetery immediately after the Eid prayer.

After the cemetery visit, the residents of the camp went to the Institution of Martyrs' Families.

Ali Sipêrî, one of the imams of the camp, made a speech during the gathering and said, "Here we fulfil the requirements of the Quran. Because in the Qur'an it is stated that martyrs come after the prophet. Leader Apo (Abdullah Öcalan) also says that our martyrs are our leaders."

Maxmur People's Assembly Co-Chair Filiz Budak said: "The meaning of Eid is to flourish, to come together and to share. I hope that this Eid will bring peace and tranquility for the Kurdish people who are facing all kinds of persecution and oppression. We especially hope that this Eid will lead to the physical freedom of Leader Apo. As long as the physical freedom of Leader Apo is not realised, our Eids will be sad."