KCK: Let us enhance the struggle against attacks
KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency has stated that the AKP government has put forward a new concept and policy regarding both the resolution and election process.
KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency has stated that the AKP government has put forward a new concept and policy regarding both the resolution and election process.
KCK (Kurdistan Communities Union) Executive Council Co-Presidency has stated that the AKP government has put forward a new concept and policy regarding both the resolution and election process.
Releasing a statement about recent developments in Turkey and North Kurdistan, KCK pointed out that Turkish President Erdoğan and the AKP government has recently pursued a policy that created tension and conflict in the society and strained the resolution process.
The statement by KCK underlined that; "HDP delegation's visits to İmralı have been objectively suspended. A monitoring committee wasn't established, nor were the negotiations initiated. The resolution process, which is too important to sacrifice to the interests of any party and the elections, has been frozen. The AKP government has taken no steps within this process which is being shaped by the directives of Erdoğan on the side of AKP. Erdoğan has clearly objected to the Dolmabahçe meeting of the HDP and state delegations, and to the formation of a monitoring committee."
KCK noted that in line with Erdoğan's statements, the AKP government has put forward a new concept and policy regarding both the resolution and election process, with which it aimed to give way to provocation and operations through tension and conflict.
'Provocations were developed step by step as a part of a plan and strategy'
KCK stated that the recent provocations initiated with military operations in Mardin and Ağrı/Diyadin have been followed by consecutive attacks on HDP, including armed attacks on the party's offices in Antalya, Hatay, İstanbul, Rize, Bursa and headquarters in Ankara. No doubt that all these didn't occur by coincidence and were developed step by step as a part of a plan and strategy, KCK said.
The statement continued, emphasizing that; "Despite all these, Erdoğan still tries to blame the HDP and democracy powers for the murder by police of dozens of patriots during 6-7 October uprising. It was the state itself that murdered 7 children in Cizre within several weeks, and it is Erdoğan himself and the AKP government itself that must give an account for the murder of patriotic Kurds in Amed, Cizre and many places of Kurdistan."
KCK said the fact that Erdoğan still attempts to blame the HDP and the freedom movement reveals that they will maintain the political and cultural genocide policies they have pursued up to day.
'AKP aims to sacrifice the resolution process to the elections'
According to KCK, the reason for AKP's oppressive, chauvinist and authoritarian manner is the fact that it wants to sacrifice the resolution process to the elections. "The statements by Erdoğan and AKP officials, make it obvious that the guerrilla is wanted to be dragged into clashes, and why the attacks on HDP are taking place", KCK said, warning that as the guerrilla forces are acting in line with the spirit of the ongoing ceasefire, the Turkish army's daily artillery attacks, reconnaissance flights and operations in guerrilla zones constitute a danger."
'The rise of the HDP scares the AKP'
Remarking that Erdoğan and the AKP government were quite afraid and anxious as the HDP remained on the rise with its democratic and free life project, KCK said that one other aim of the attacks and provocations was to pull the HDP below the election threshold. KCK stressed that all these should however not lead the HDP up to inaction, for it has actually exceeded the threshold and won the elections already now, which means Turkey's democratization and provision of conditions for the resolution of the Kurdish question. "All peoples and faith groups desiring a democratic Turkey and free Kurdistan, youths, women, workers, and all those siding with democracy, peace and freedom will be supporting the HDP. True democracy, freedom, fraternity and peace will be attained on this basis", it added.
KCK Executive Council Co-Presidency underlined that Erdoğan and the AKP government must develop policies in consideration of these truths, establish a monitoring committee and initiate negotiations with the Kurdish people's leader, Abdullah Öcalan, in the soonest time.
"The attacks and provocations against the HDP are for the benefit of nobody. These dirty and dangerous policies must be abandoned immediately", KCK said, also calling on the Kurdish people and all democracy powers to enhance the democracy and freedom struggle in a more determined and dedicated manner without taking a single step backward.