KCK: Elections in South Kurdistan important for Kurdistan's liberation from occupation and genocide

The KCK said that the elections in South Kurdistan are important for Kurdistan to be saved from occupation and genocide.

The Co-Presidency of the KCK Executive Council issued a statement about the forthcoming parliamentary elections in South Kurdistan. The elections will be held on 20 October. 

The statement said: "As it is known, there will be parliamentary elections in South Kurdistan on 20 October 2024. At a time when important developments are taking place in the Middle East, the elections to be held in southern Kurdistan are important for both South Kurdistan itself and Kurdistan in general, because while developments on the basis of the redesign of the Middle East are gaining momentum, the Kurdish enemy genocidal colonialist occupying forces want to maintain their rule over Kurdistan to prevent the Kurdish people from gaining their freedom, to complete this process with a new wave of genocidal attacks, and to bring the Kurdish genocide to its conclusion.

In the face of this dangerous plan, it is very important for our people to develop national unity along with patriotic principles and to increase the struggle on this basis. The approach of our people and patriotic forces to all developments, events, and facts should be on this basis. The 20 October's elections in South Kurdistan should also be taken into consideration on this basis, and an approach should be determined accordingly."

The statement added: "The people of Kurdistan and all the patriotic, democratic, and revolutionary forces have been in great resistance against the genocidal, colonialist, and occupying forces and the collaborating treasonous forces. Despite all the support of foreign powers and the provoked betrayal, the genocidal, colonialist, and occupying forces have so far failed to achieve results against the resistance of the patriotic Kurdistan people.

The KDP and the Barzani family clan represent the leading collaborationist and treasonist forces in Kurdistan. They have become a part of the Kurdish genocide by developing collaborative treason not only in southern Kurdistan but in all parts of Kurdistan. They supported and partnered the Turkish state in the attacks on Rojava. The attacks on our people living in the Maxmur Refugee Camp and the failure to meet the democratic legitimate demands of our people who were subjected to genocide in Shengal (Sinjar) are the result of this collaborative treasonous politics. Again, in northern Kurdistan, all the shadowy, collaborative, and contra structures, which have relations with the enemy on the basis of self-interest and attack the freedom struggle, base themselves on the KDP and the Barzani family clan. All this has revealed that they have nothing to do with Kurdishness and the cause of Kurdistan; on the contrary, they are a part of anti-Kurdish politics, a network that enters into all kinds of relations with the enemy in exchange for profit."

The statement added: "The KDP and the Barzani family clan are a force that has been placed on the struggle of the people of southern Kurdistan, a force that sells Kurdishness and Kurdistan to the enemy and foreign powers for its own interests. It has an anti-democratic, anti-society, and anti-national mentality. With these politics and mentality, it is the biggest obstacle to positive development in the region. Without exception, all enemies and malicious forces are planning and conducting politics in Kurdistan and the Kurdish people based on the KDP and the Barzani family clan. It is the most fundamental patriotic duty to take a stand everywhere against such a power that develops a collaborator and treasonous line in Kurdistan.

Our people and patriotic democratic national forces must show this attitude at every opportunity. The elections to be held in southern Kurdistan on 20 October are important for our people to develop a strong attitude against the collaborationist, treasonist policy. The patriotic people of Kurdistan must show their attitude on this basis by supporting patriotic, democratic, national forces and candidates in the elections. The results to be obtained by supporting patriotic forces and candidates against the KDP and the Barzani family clan will be very important for the liberation of southern Kurdistan and all of Kurdistan from the grip of occupation and genocide and for the development of a democratic and libertarian system.

Our people should act on this basis in the 20 October elections and express their will strongly. Patriotic forces and candidates should also embrace this attitude of the people of Kurdistan and develop their work based on patriotic and democratic principles against the collaborationist, treasonist policy."