Guerrilla TV releases footage of action in Çukurca and Heftanin

Gerilla TV released footage of the action by Martyr Delal Air Defense Forces against Girê outpost and Koordine Hill.

Gerilla TV released the footage of the action carried out by the Martyr Delal Air Defense Forces against Girê outpost in Çukurca on 11 December and Koordine Hill in Heftanin's Bektoria area.

The HPG Press Contact Center said about the action: “Our Martyr Delal Air Defense Forces carried out an action at Çelê in Colemêrg at 11:10 on 11 December and in the Heftanin region at 13:45 on the same day. Our units carried out actions with unmanned aerial vehicles against the invaders on Koordine Hill in the Bektoria area. In both actions, the aircraft hit the determined targets and the action successfully achieved its goal.”