Ethnic cleansing by AKP-backed Islamic groups in Ehrez village of Efrîn

ISIS and other so-called Islamic gang groups are occupying villages inhabited by Kurds in the territory of Rojava, West Kurdistan.

ISIS and other so-called Islamic gang groups are occupying villages inhabited by Kurds in the territory of Rojava, West Kurdistan.

ISIS and some other gang groups supported by MIT (Turkish intelligence organisation) are committing an ethnic cleansing in Ehrez village of Azaz following the Bab region to the east of Aleppo.

The mainly Kurdish inhabited village with a population of three thousand is located to the north of Aleppo and only 6 km to Efrîn. Attacks by ISIS and other jihadist groups have forced the residents of the village to migrate.


After expanding their attacks on October 14, ISIS gangs and other gang groups entered the Ehrez village and kidnapped dozens of civilians, the whereabouts of whom is still not known.

According to reports, gang groups backed by Turkey, including Nureddin Zenkî Brigade, Siqûr El-Cebel, Ceysh Al-Mucahidîn and Ahrar Al-Sham are among the Islamic gangs that have occupied the village and forced the local residents to migrate in mass.