People of Raqqa greet freedom fighters with joy

People of Raqqa expressed their joy at the decline of ISIS occupation and said they hope that the city of Raqqa will soon be liberated.

After the liberation of western Raqqa from ISIS occupation during the second phase of the Operation Wrath of Euphrates, which had begun on November 5 and entered its second phase on December 10, the people of Raqqa greet Wrath of Euphrates Operation Room fighters with joy.

Residents of Raqqa expressed their joy at the decline of ISIS occupation and stated that they hope that the city of Raqqa will soon be liberated. They expressed concern because they have many relatives in the city center, but said they trust that Wrath of Euphrates fighters will soon liberate them.

Wrath of Euphrates fighter Ebu Firas explains the warm welcome of civilians in this way: “What is happening in Raqqa is not only the defeat of the gangs. The main success is that the SDF has gained the love, trust and support of the people. As the SDF, we will get rid of ISIS not only in Raqqa but across Syria. We will construct Democratic Syria and a new life where Arab, Kurdish, Assyrian, Turkmen, Circassian and other peoples can live equally and freely.”