YouTube removes song about guerrillas by Berbanga Rojava band

YouTube has removed the song Lehengên Sedsala, which was released by Berbanga Rojava, and was about freedom guerrillas.

Berbanga Rojava music group protested the YouTube decision to censor the clip of the new song, Lehengên Sedsala.

The new song by Berbanga Rojava music group operating in Rojava is about freedom guerrillas.

The band, which continues to work within the Yapıcılar Collective, had prepared a new song about the freedom guerrillas who are carrying out a historical resistance against the invasion attacks by the Turkish state in the Medya Defense Areas.

The clip of the song, which was released on the evening of 7 September, was quickly removed from YouTube due to the guerrilla resistance footage. YouTube based its removal on the claim that the video was supporting "criminal organizations resorting to violence".

The song is now available on the Yapıcılar Kolektifi social media account (@FilmYapicilar).