7th Children's Festival underway in Qamishlo

The 7th Children's Festival opened in Qamishlo on Saturday with the slogan "Preserving the culture of society starts from childhood".

The 7th Children's Festival started at the Aram Tîgran Culture and Art Center in Rimêlan, Qamishlo. 24 children's art groups are participating in the festival which opened with the slogan "Preserving the culture of society starts from childhood".

Hundreds of citizens from Girkê Legê and Rimêlan attended the festival.

The 24 children's art groups participating in the festival consist of 250 children aged 6-18 from the provinces and districts of the Qamishlo Canton.

Festival Preparation Committee member Civin Xelîl said: "We organized this festival thinking of all the children who were killed in Northern and Eastern Syria. This festival is dedicated to them. We want to show that we are connected to our land  through our culture, art and songs."

The festival offered the presentation of works by Hîlala Zêrîn, Dar Naûm, Şehîd Viyan Soran, Şehîd Bawer, Şehîd Serhed and Koma Deng Da.

In addition, bands such as Ceza, Xirbet Bîr and Şenîd Dîlan took the stage.

On Saturday, a theater play called “Koçberî” was performed by the Children of Peace group.

The festival will end this evening.