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Condemning the assassination of Akarsel, TJK-E calls for urgent actions
The Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe (TJK-E) condemned the assassination of Jineology Magazine Editor Nagihan Akarsel in Sulaymaniyah and called for urgent actions. -
Jineology activist and academic Nagihan Akarsel killed in armed attack in Sulaymaniyah - UPDATE
Jineology Research Center member Nagihan Akarsel was murdered in the Sulaymaniyah city of Iraqi Kurdistan region. -
La Casa the Papel actress in solidarity with women in Iran and Rojhilat
Iztiar Ituño, the Basque actress known worldwide as Lisboa from the series La Casa de Papel, sent a solidarity video to women in Rojhilat and Iran. -
Three more women killed in Turkey
While a woman subjected to systematic violence died suspiciously in Amed, another woman was shot dead by her husband in Isparta. In another case, a judge killed his wife in Ankara. -
KJAR launches campaign 'Time to Defend Women's Revolution'
KJAR said that the protests in Rojhilat (Iranian Kurdistan) and Iran are a "declaration of the freedom revolution," and launched the campaign "Time to Defend Women's Revolution". -
More Basque artists post videos in solidarity with women and protesters in Iran
Women artists in the Basque country post new videos in solidarity with women and protesters in Iran. -
Second International Women's Conference will be held in Berlin
Some 600 women from dozens of countries around the world will meet at the conference with the slogan "Our Revolution: Liberating Life", which will be held in Berlin on 5-6 November promoted by the Women Are Weaving Their Future Network. -
Basque artists stand with women and protesters in Iran
Basque artists sent videos in solidarity with women and protesters in Iran. -
Kongra Star publishes monthly newsletter
Kongra Star published a monthly newsletter on the developments and agendas of women in Northern and Eastern Syria. -
Raids and torture in Elbistan Prison
It was learned that the state forces, who raided the wards in Elbistan E Type Closed Prison and introduced themselves as "counter-guerrillas", tortured the prisoners. -
Two femicides in Niğde and Amed
A man called Mehmet Büyüksaraç killed his wife, Kiraz Büyüksaraç, in Niğde. The couple was in the process of divorce. Emrah Başeğmez killed Esma Başeğmez in Amed. He was caught and arrested 3 months after the femicide. -
Dersim Women's Platform makes statement on the 1000th day without Gülistan Doku
The Dersim Women's Platform made a statement in Jara Gola Çetu regarding the disappearance and lack of news about Gülistan Doku for a thousand days. -
YJA Star: We salute the glorious action in Mersin
The YJA Star Headquarters Command said they “proudly salute and congratulate the glorious action of our comrades Sara Tolhildan and Rûken Zelal, who represented the Zilan’s stance and honoured women based on freedom.” -
KJK issues condolence message for Meredith Tax
“We promise Meredith that we will certainly lead the struggle for a freer world for all to success. Kurdish women will see her by their side in their struggle every day and every hour. We will always carry her feelings and longings with us.” -
TJK-E calls for participation in protests for Rojhilat in Europe on October 1
The Kurdish Women's Movement in Europe calls on all Kurds, especially women, to participate in the demonstrations to be held across Europe on October 1 for the people of Rojhilat (Iranian Kurdistan) and Mahsa Amini. -
Iranian police arrest journalist Elaheh Mohammadi and poet Mona Borzooi
Journalist Elaheh Mohammadi and poet Mona Borzooi were arrested in Iran for supporting the actions that started after the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini. -
Women in Graz condemn femicides by Iranian state
Women came together in a demonstration organised by feminist organizations in Graz to condemn the women's killing policies carried out by the Iranian state. -
Women rally in Örebro in support of protests in Iran and Rohjilat
Women held a rally in Örebro to support the ongoing protests that erupted in Iran and Rohjilat after the murder, while in custody, of Jina Amini. -
Hundreds of people gather in Siegen to support women in Iran and Rojhilat
Hundreds of people gathered in Siegen to support women in Iran and Rojhilat who are still in the streets after two weeks from the murder of Jina Amini. -
Women protest for Mahsa Amini in front of the Iranian Consulate in Istanbul
Exiled Iranians and the association "We Will Stop Femicides" showed solidarity with the uprisings in Eastern Kurdistan and Iran in a protest action in front of the Iranian Consulate in Istanbul. -
Women from Turkey stand with women of Iran
Growing solidarity worldwide with the women resisting on the streets in Iran after the brutal killing of Jina Mahsa Amini, who died in police custody in Tehran after her arrest for allegedly failing to comply with Iran’s strict rules on women’s dress. -
Kurdish women's office Cenî e.V. says murder of Jina Mahsa Amini in Tehran is state femicide
The Kurdish women's office Cenî e.V. describes the murder of Jina Mahsa Amini in Tehran as state femicide and explains what the slogan "Jin Jiyan Azadî" (woman life freedom), that has become popular through the uprisings in Iran, stands for. -
Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum sends solidarity statement to people in Iran
The Kurdish-Speaking Anarchist Forum issued a statement of support for the mass uprisings in Iran. -
Women in Buenos Aires protest death of Jina Amini
Jina Mahsa Amini was arrested by the Iranian moral and religious police for not wearing the hijab as prescribed. The medical and family versions indicate that she died from multiple blows to the head. -
"1 October protests in solidarity with brave women and men in Iran who have inspired the world"
On 1 October, various organizations from many countries have launched an appeal to attend a global day of solidarity with the brave women and men in Iran who have inspired the world.