YJA-Star Commander: Women guerrillas will crush fascism

"The women guerrillas will crush fascism. It is the time of unity and defence of our values", says YJA star commander Zozan Çewlik in an assessment of the resistance against the Erdogan regime.

Zozan Çewlik, a commander of the women's guerrilla troop YJA-Star Central Headquarters, spoke to ANF about Turkey's occupation operation in Southern Kurdistan and the continued attacks of the Erdogan regime on women and the Kurdish people.

The guerrilla commander points to the global impact of the Coronavirus pandemic and says the following:

"The fear of death has brought people to the point where they can no longer take to the streets. The fascist AKP/MHP coalition uses every opportunity to put its dirty and immoral policies into practice. The pandemic is also used to break the resistance of the society.

Rape and sexual assault by specialist sergeants of the Turkish army are currently on the agenda. In Turkey, which is a rape republic anyway, such incidents have been going on for a long time, but they are covered up and concealed. The incidents in Batman, Silopi and most recently in Şırnak have been the last straw and the people have taken to the streets. The attitude shown by the people in Şırnak is an attitude of self-defence and dignity. We welcome this stand of the people and the youth of Botan. Everyone should be aware of one thing: If silence is kept about the system that rapes our country, the enemy will rape children and women.

The previous attacks on guerrilla graves are also a result of this rape culture. Furthermore, there is a great wave of attacks against women who resist and do not respect the role of women as defined by the system. When dogs were set upon Rojbin Çetin, it became clear how extreme this system has become. The Turkish state's occupation operations are not only taking place on Kurdish soil, they are also directed against women, against the peoples, the youth and all those who resist. The ruffian of Kasımpaşa [Erdogan] challenges the whole world, so to speak, and must finally be stopped. The Turkish state wants to occupy Kurdistan, Libya, Idlib and Syria.”

Ankara's plan did not work out in Heftanin

The main obstacle for the AKP/MHP government is the YJA Star and the HPG, says Zozan Çewlik and continues: "The occupation operation known as the 'Tiger Claw' has been launched most recently. There have already been several operations in the area with ever-changing names like 'Sweeper' or 'Steel', and the Tiger Claw operation has been going on for a month now. Since Ankara's plan did not work out in this invasion of Heftanin, which was started with triumphant cheers, the generals lost their voice and they invented new lies every day.

The operation in Heftanin is presented as a measure against the PKK, but it is an incursion to occupy Southern Kurdistan. The people and the parties in Southern Kurdistan must show the necessary attention and foresight and stand up for our country without falling for the machinations of the enemy. This country is not deserted. The KDP supports the Turkish state with information and acts together with the Turkish state during the occupation, even if not very openly at the moment.

In Southern Kurdistan and also in Rojava, our people stand against the invasion that is taking place because they have a patriotic consciousness and know the machinations of the Turkish state well. The reactions of the people in Sheladize, Sulaymaniyah and Behdinan have a meaning and we find them valuable.”

The guerrilla is everywhere and nowhere

People who cannot defend themselves, their country and their freedom are threatened by permanent occupation, Zozan Çewlik continues: "Whoever the occupier is, he must be fought against. The YJA-Star and HPG units are mounting great resistance to the enemy occupation in Heftanin. More technology is being used in this war than expected. The Turkish state has bombed Xantur fifty times in just one night to airdrop troops on the hill. This was only possible by using ten reconnaissance drones and massive bombing. The supposedly heroic Turkish military is so afraid of the young guerrilla fighters still in the spring of their lives that it does not take a single step without its weapons technology.

During the war in Heftanin, great resistance has been mounted at almost every hill, but in Şeşdara and Xantur it was particularly impressive. The resistance in Şeşdara led by Heval Esmer was legendary. In Xantur, Heval Rustem has participated in many actions since the beginning of the invasion. In the fight against the occupying forces, he finally jumped off an abyss to avoid falling into the hands of the enemy. In view of this attitude, the Turkish army has long since lost. The Apoists have created an unshakable will and an invincible spirit. This resistant and never capitulating spirit is part of the PKK tradition.

Just as Heval Bêrîtan refused to surrender during the 1992 occupation operation in Southern Kurdistan and jumped off a cliff to avoid being captured by the enemy, Heval Rustem has updated this spirit 28 years later. Similarly, our great commander, Mrs Azime, has also led the enemy into the void during the 1992 operation. Heval Esmer and Nucan are the updated expressions of this courageous commander.

The guerrilla of the 21st century is a quantum guerrilla. It is everywhere and nowhere. Where they are, what they do and how they move is uncertain. Just like great feelings and courage, intelligence and technical knowledge play a fundamental role. The guerrilla is no longer limited to a single territory and certain seasons. After the Nusaybin syndrome, the Turkish armed forces will also have a Heftanin syndrome. This will be proved in the coming period."

Time for victory

Zozan Çewlik says that the guerrillas are successful because they focus on victory with firm conviction. According to the commander, 2020 is a year marked by guerrilla warfare: "So far the guerrillas have not yet demonstrated their technical and tactical sovereignty in every respect. Our practice in 2020 is basically self-criticism that we are making towards Rêber Apo [Leader Abdullah Ocalan] and the martyrs.

The YJA-Star has made an important difference this year, both quantitatively and qualitatively, with its own activities. It has dealt the enemy heavy blows from Heftanin to Dersim, from Serhed to Avashin. A very special spirit has been created in the process. Heval Zeryan had only been a guerrilla fighter for two years, and as a sniper in the resistance of Heftanin, she stopped the enemy's advance for two days before falling in battle. As a women's guerrilla force, of course, this is not enough for us.

The resistance of comrades like Esmer, Amara, Nûcan, Ararat, Evîn and Zeryan has produced great results. Against the fascist attacks on women, we, as defensive forces of Kurdistan, see ourselves as responsible not only for the defence of the peoples but for all women. We continue to develop our organized self-defense structures. The women guerrillas will smash fascism. It is the time of unity and defence of our values. It is the time to smash fascism and make life unbearable for the enemy. It is time for victory."