YJA Star: Afrin will expand the resistance front of March 8

“On this 8 March we promise to enhance the struggle until we get to all women of the world women’s liberation that began to develop in Kurdistan” YJA Star said in a statement.

Armed organization of Kurdistan women’s movement, YJA Star, Free Women’s Troops, released a statement to mark March 8 International Women’s Day.

The organization urged women to come together to enhance the struggle and expand the resistance fronts as March 8 is celebrated at the times of resistance in Afrin.

“We celebrate March 8 of YPJ forces in Afrin and all women who resist for the city. This day will be an occasion for us to expand the resistance front” the statement read.

“The world witnessed victory of the resistance in Kobane which was led by Arin Mirkan. Today the people of the world are witnessing the resistance of the age in Afrin which is led by Avesta Xabur and Barin Kobane. Today the resistance led by women in all parts of Kurdistan frustrates the dirty plans of Erdogan and hegemonic powers. The barbaric states will be defeated just as how ISIS was defeated” YJA Star added.

The organization commemorated all women martyrs who lost their lives in the freedom struggle and called upon all women to join the resistance.