KON-MED calls for participation in the 17th Zilan Women's Festival today

KON-MED called for participation in the 17th Zilan Women's Festival today.

The German Kurdistan Societies Confederation (KON-MED) said in a statement that the Zilan Women's Festival is the biggest gathering of Kurdish women in Germany.

The festival is organized by the German Kurdish Women's Union (YJK-E) and this year will pay tribute to Evîn Goyî (Emine Kara), who was killed in Paris on 23 December.

The statement said: "10 years after the Paris Massacre, in which Sara, Rojbîn and Ronahî were murdered, Evîn Goyî, one of the leading figures of the women's struggle, was targeted, once again in Paris. In this attack, it is the women's struggle that was targeted in the person of the martyr Evîn Goyî.

The Free Women's Struggle, which Evîn Goyî pursued following Leader Apo's paradigm, achieved success with the Rojava Women's Revolution. And later, with the serhildans in Rojhilat Kurdistan under the slogan 'Jin Jiyan Azadî'."

The statement continued: "The women's struggle was suppressed with great violence, but rediscovered the path of freedom and enlarged its struggle. In this context, great progress has been made in the struggle for free women and free society.

The Second Paris Massacre is the response to the women’s struggle given by the male-state system, led by the Turkish state.

The Zilan Women's Festival will be held today at such a critical period. Women from all over Kurdistan and all over the world will raise their voices at the festival.

We, as KON-MED, will be at the Zilan Women's Festival to strengthen women's struggle. We invite all our people to participate in the festival."