Kılıçarslan: The Turkish judiciary is a refuge for men

HDK Ankara co-spokesperson Fatma Kılıçarslan pointed out that the men who resorted to violence are taking refuge in the Turkish judiciary and are getting results.

People's Democratic Congress (HDK) Ankara co-spokesperson Fatma Kılıçarslan, said that many women's organisation and platforms are organising together to mark this year's 25 November, International Day Against Violence Against Women.

Kılıçarslan stated that there will be many actions and activities on 25 November and beyond, and added that "until 25 November we are launching an action and activity process together with many women's organizations and platforms everywhere we are.

Women are everywhere, in school, on the street, at home and that they have the right to speak to address the ruling power, the state and its male-minded mentality.''

Kılıçarslan said: "There is a rising women struggle. Women are saying that they exist in schools, universities, streets. The patriarchal mindset is uncomfortable with it."

The Istanbul Convention (the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence) is based on the understanding that violence against women is a form of gender-based violence that is committed against women because they are women. It is the obligation of the state to fully address it in all its forms and to take measures to prevent violence against women, protect its victims and prosecute the perpetrators. 

Yet, said Kılıçarslan, "despite Turkey being signatory of the Istanbul Convention, the practice at home is quite different. In fact, men are actually taking refuge in the judiciary."

Kılıçarslan said: "We will be following up all the murders of women. Women show a political stance. This resistance should not be ignored. Women everywhere rebelled against violence. We will never give up our struggle against violence."