DEM Party Women's Assembly meets with AKP delegation

DEM Party Women's Assembly, which has been holding talks with the women's organizations of political parties following Abdullah Öcalan’s historic call, met with the AKP delegation in the parliament.

The Women's Assembly of the Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) continues its meetings with the women's structures of political parties following Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan’s “Call for Peace and Democratic Society” announced on February 27. The Kurdish leader highlighted the inevitable need for a democratic society and political space and called on all groups to lay their arms and the PKK to dissolve itself.

DEM Party Women's Assembly held a meeting with a delegation of the ruling AKP in parliament today.

The DEM Party delegation consisting of Women's Assembly Spokesperson Halide Türkoğlu, Mardin MP Saliha Aydeniz, and Women's Coordination member Fatma Koçyiğit was hosted by AKP Deputy Group Chairperson Özlem Zengin in her room in the parliament. The AKP delegation consisted of Özlem Zengin, Leyla Şahin Usta and Tuğba Işık Ercan, Head of AKP Women's Branch.

Halide Türkoğlu stated that the meeting with the AKP women's delegation was generally productive. According to Türkoğlu, the AKP delegation emphasized the importance of women taking an active role in parliament and contributing to the development of the language of peace and politics in this process. Both delegations mutually emphasized that these contacts should continue.