Turkish state attacks Efrîn and Shehba through the night

The Turkish state’s attacks on Efrîn Canton and Shehba region with tanks and artillery fire continued throughout the night last night.

Attacks on civilians in the Efrîn Canton and Shehba region by the invading Turkish state and their allied gangs continue. The Turkish state bombed Merenaz and Villa Qadi villages in Efrîn’s Shera district with tanks and Howitzers last night at 23:00. YPG and YPJ fighters retaliated immediately.

The gang groups under Turkish state control attacked Merenaze at the same time with DSHKs and heavy weapons. In Elqamiye region the Turkish state’s scout planes carried out 4 bombings.

In the Sherawa district, Turkish state allied gangs attacked Bircike, Sileman and Gire Barin villages with mortars.

On Martyr Zilan hill in the Cinderes district, there was an armed attack.

Attacks by invading Turkish army’s gangs on villages in the Shehba region are also on the rise. The gangs bombed Til Mediq, Hirbil and Şêx Isa towns last night.