SDF publishes identity of 8 fighters who fell as martyrs in Turkish attack against Hol Camp

The SDF revealed the identity information of 8 fighters who fell as martyrs in the air attack launched by the Turkish state against Hol Camp. One fighter who was killed in the district of Zirgan.

In a statement, the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Press Contact Center shared the identity of the 9 fighters who fell as martyrs.

The SDF statement said:

“The invading Turkish state wants to reorganize the Islamic State. Turkish warplanes attacked Hol Camp, where thousands of members of ISIS and their families are staying, proving the relationship between the Turkish state and the terrorist organization.

As the result of the attack on the camp, 8 of our friends fell as martyrs: Hisên Emed Dawûd (Lewrans Meslûsa), Xelîl Elî al Hemîd El Cilêb (Egîd Til Birak), Seyfedîn Mihemed al Silêman (Yaqûb Hesekê), Ebdulcelîl Beha al Mihemed (Ciwan Hol), Etiyê Iweyîd al Dewagîd al Dewasîd (Murad) al Hedmûl (Siwar Xesan), Mahir Hewas al Muhsin (Enes Qamişlo) and Newaf Fewaz al Xelîl (Elîşêr). Our fighter Mihemed Elî Hisên (Demhat Zirgan) was killed in Zirgan.

We express our condolences to the families of martyrs and promise to enlarge the struggle against the invaders and to avenge all our martyrs.”

The identity of the martyrs is as follows:

Codename: Lewrans Meslusa

Name and surname: Hisên Dawud

Mother's name: Xezale

Father's name: Ehmed

Place and date of birth: Til Hemîs/1990

Place and date of martyrdom: Hol Camp, 23 November 2022

Codename: Egîd Til Birak

Name and surname: Xelîl al Hemîd al Cilêb

Mother's name: Sebah

Father's name: Eli

Place and date of birth: Hesekê/2004

Place and date of martyrdom: Hol Camp, 23 November 2022

Codename: Yaqûb Hesekê

Name and surname: Seyfedin al Silêman

Mother's name: Hilwa

Father's name: Mihemed

Place and date of birth: Hesekê/1986

Place and date of martyrdom: Hol Camp, 23 November 2022

Codename: Ciwan Hol

Name and surname: Ebdulcelîl al Mihemed

Mother's name: Melka

Father's name: Beha

Place and date of birth: Hall/2002

Place and date of martyrdom: Hol Camp, 23 November 2022

Codename: Murad al Egidi

Name and surname: Etiye al Dewas

Mother's name: Reda

Father's name: Iweyîd

Place and date of birth: Deşîşa/1985

Place and date of martyrdom: Hol Camp, 23 November 2022

Codename: Siwan Xesan

Name and surname: Fehed al Hedmûl

Mother's name: Terfa

Father's name: Rajid

Place and date of birth: Til Hemîs/2001

Place and date of martyrdom: Hol Camp, 23 November 2022

Codename: Enes Qamishlo

Name and surname: Mahir al Muhsin

Mother's name: Emsha

Father's name: Hewas

Place and date of birth: Qamishlo/1994

Place and date of martyrdom: Hol Camp, 23 November 2022

Codename: Elişer

Name and surname: Newaf al Xelîl

Mother's name: Eziza

Father's name: Fewaz

Place and date of birth:Til Birak/2000

Place and date of martyrdom: Hol Camp, 23 November 2022

Codename: Demhat Zirgan

Name and surname: Mihemed Hisên

Mother's name: Emira

Father's name: Eli

Place and date of martyrdom: Mergeda/2003

Place and date of martyrdom: Zirgan, 23 November 2022.”