Northern and Eastern Syria Social Contract Drafting Committee continues its meetings

The Northern and Eastern Syria Social Contract Drafting Committee held a public meeting in the south of Hesekê.

The Northern and Eastern Syria Social Contract Drafting Committee held a public meeting in the south of Hesekê. The committee, which met the people of Shedade, Ebdan, Mergede and Deşişa, exchanged views about the new Social Contract. Many opinion leaders, council members and district residents attended the meeting.

The meeting was moderated by committee members Ekrem Mehşûş, Fethullah Hiso and Meha Şabo.

At the meeting, discussions were held on 99 articles of the draft social contract. Opinions and suggestions by the participants were recorded by the committee members.

Evaluating the meeting, Mahir Al Abdullah, the opinion leader of the Al Buhesûnî tribe, said that they are making efforts to ensure the rights of all peoples. Al Abdullah, who said that the people generally evaluated the draft positively, added that they did their best to make changes in line with the suggestions received.

Committee member Fethullah Hiso said that they will continue to receive the opinions of the people in Hesekê and added: “We have opened the four paragraphs of the 99-item draft for discussion separately. We are trying to do our best to reach a democratic social contract.”