Internal Security Forces capture an ISIS ringleader in Deir ez-Zor

A ringleader in charge of the economy of ISIS in Deir ez-Zor was captured during an operation carried out by the Asayish in cooperation with the International Coalition.

The press office of the Internal Security Forces of North and East Syria said in a statement on Sunday that the Asayish (Public Security) Department, in cooperation with the International Coalition, carried out an effective operation against ISIS ringleaders on Saturday, 13 July. A gang leader named Xalid Hesen Salum, known as Abu Fatima al-Shi'a, was captured during the operation carried out in the Xeranic town of Deir ez-Zor.

"He was in charge of the economy of DAESH (ISIS) in Deir ez-Zor. Before the liberation of Deir ez-Zor from DAESH by SDF, Xalid Hesen Salum was seen in a video calling on DAESH fighters to war. Until the defeat of ISIS and the liberation of the area, he led the most dangerous terrorist cell together with Abu Fatima al-Shieti,” the statement said about the arrested ISIS member.