DEM Party: The doors of İmralı should be opened and Öcalan should be included in the discussions

DEM Party Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan said that the initiators of the recent discussions did not share a road map. She emphasised that the doors of İmralı should be opened and Abdullah Öcalan should be included in the ongoing discussions.

The Peoples' Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Spokesperson Ayşegül Doğan held a press conference at the party's headquarters regarding the Central Executive Committee (MYK) meeting on Sunday.

Doğan commented on the latest developments after MHP (Nationalist Movement Party) Leader Devlet Bahçeli shook hands with the DEM Party group at the opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM) on 1 October and the following talks about a possible resolution process with the Kurds. In his speech at the party's group meeting this Tuesday, Bahçeli further called on Abdullah Öcalan in İmralı Prison to “unilaterally declare the end of terrorism and the liquidation of his organization”.

“Let us reiterate that the Kurdish question is Turkey's biggest and most fundamental problem. We are not only talking about Turkey's problem, but also a regional and international problem. Therefore, the solution to such a historical and deep-rooted problem can only be possible with a historical and in-depth approach,” said Ayşegül Doğan, who further stated the following:

“Goodwill and sincerity are very important for a solution, but they are not enough. It is not possible to solve the Kurdish issue only with good intentions and sincerity. It requires seriousness, a deep, historical approach. We need to learn from past experiences and say new things about the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue. If a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue is not realised, neither Turkey's economy will improve nor democracy will come to the country, or any progress can be made for democratisation. Why? Because Turkey has become a poor country despite having a very rich potential.

And what does it lack? It lacks freedom, equality, justice, democracy, rights. A country deprived of all these can only become poorer. In order to eliminate these deprivations and find a solution to the situation we are in, we can start by solving the Kurdish question. This observation is not new. The Kurdish issue is not a security problem, but a problem of democracy and identity. It is not possible to solve the problem of democracy without solving the Kurdish question. As a party, we have always defended this. As the war in the Middle East grows, there is no other option but to resolve the Kurdish question democratically and through negotiations. We made these warnings even before this war accelerated. Because of this, we have been subjected to attacks in different ways and methods in various periods. For what? For advocating and demanding a democratic solution to the Kurdish question.

We are a party with open channels for negotiation and dialogue. We exist for this. We have expressed this at every opportunity, and we will continue to do so. Different voices are rising from the People's Alliance at the moment. On the one hand, internal peace and democratic politics are highlighted, but on the other hand, some are trying to show the audacity to wag their fingers. When we look at the intentions of the ruling wing in this way, it is difficult for us to comment on what is happening. As the DEM Party, it is our responsibility to tell you that everything is taking place in front of the eyes of the public and that there are no developments beyond this. We share this openly with you. We are also watching, our boards are evaluating, our co-chairs share our party's views and opinions on the issue and developments with the public at every opportunity. To reiterate, we cannot describe the current situation as a resolution process, we can just say that there are some discussions.”

Doğan noted that they had pointed to Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan for the solution of the Kurdish question and that they had been targeted for this reason. She stated that the initiators of the discussions did not speak openly about the solution of the problem. Pointing out that the initiators of the discussions did not share any road map with the public, Ayşegül Doğan said, “What the DEM Party is doing, what it wants to do and what it aims to do is extremely clear, leaving no room for any doubt or suspicion. Everyone knows where we stand on the issue of solution and peace. We also remind those who do not know. In almost every statement we have made, we have explained why solution and peace are necessary for Turkey, why they are important for the peoples of the Middle East, why and how the paths to be followed in this regard are vital.”

Ayşegül Doğan continued: “Since the Kurdish question is a multi-actor issue, its solution is not possible only with the DEM Party. Yet, we are the most active subject for the solution of the Kurdish question, even if we are not the only subject. We are ready to take responsibility and initiative on this issue. However, we would like to tell the public that there is nothing that goes beyond discussions at the moment. We are not the sole subject because there are conflicting parties and conflicting parties are subjects. While reminding of this fact, we also take responsibility and show courage in Turkey, where no one does so. We express how to resolve the Kurdish issue in a genuine way. We explain how it can be resolved in a genuine way. In an issue with multiple actors, you cannot achieve a solution by disabling the actors and trying to create actors for yourself. Mr Öcalan is a person who has solutions and ideas not only about the Kurdish question in Turkey, but also about many problems in the world, especially the developments in the Middle East.

We have been making statements about the isolation system in İmralı for months, even years. We have been organising events and protests because there is a violation of human rights taking place in front of our eyes. Isolation is a method of torture and unacceptable, no matter who it is applied to, and it must be opposed. There is a total lack of communication imposed on Mr Öcalan and his fellow prisoners, they cannot benefit from any rights. He is not allowed to meet with his family and his lawyers, he cannot use his telephone rights, he cannot exchange letters. We do not know what is going on. We can visit other prisons, but there is no information regarding İmralı Island Prison. All the doors are closed, but the MHP Chairman, Mr Bahçeli, comes out and makes an appeal to Mr Öcalan. Our co-chair responded, and let us repeat it once again; pave the way for Mr Öcalan, let the public hear him, let us hear him too, how he will respond to your call, what he will say...

We are talking about the vital importance of his role. On the one hand, you maintain the isolation; on the other hand, you appeal to Mr Öcalan. We call once again from here; this unprecedented unlawfulness must end. The way for the interlocutor must be opened. If you do not open the door of İmralı, if you do not lift the isolation, if you do not include Mr Öcalan in these discussions, they will remain as such discussions and cannot progress. We reiterate our call. This isolation must be lifted, the roads and doors of İmralı must be opened and Mr Öcalan must be included in these discussions.”