Autonomous Administration calls for international investigation into Kobanê massacre
The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has called for an international investigation into the Turkish massacre in Berxbotan, Kobanê.
The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria has called for an international investigation into the Turkish massacre in Berxbotan, Kobanê.
The Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria issued a written statement regarding the massacre in the village of Berxbotan in Kobanê, where nine members of the same family were killed.
The statement strongly condemned the massacre, emphasizing that the occupying Turkish state continues to commit war crimes, engage in inhumane practices, and pursue hostile policies against the people of Northern and Eastern Syria.
The statement highlighted that these attacks violate all international agreements. It said that in last night’s massacre in the village of Berxbotan, south of Kobanê, nine civilians, including women and children, were killed, and two others were injured.
The statement said: "These people have sacrificed their children while waging a great struggle against ISIS, which represents global terrorism, on behalf of all humanity."
The statement also pointed out that "these attacks are taking place in full view of the international community and relevant organizations," adding: "Silence in the face of these attacks only encourages the Turkish state to commit more war crimes."
The statement called on the international community, relevant institutions, and the International Coalition against ISIS to take a stance against these attacks and massacres, urging them to "end the silence. These people have sacrificed their children while waging a great struggle against ISIS, a force of global terrorism, on behalf of all humanity."
The statement further called for an international investigation into the massacres and war crimes committed by the Turkish state. It also demanded that the findings be compiled into a dossier and submitted to the International Criminal Court.
The statement concluded by extending condolences to the families and loved ones of those killed, emphasizing that no attack will stand in the way of building a democratic, free, and decentralized Syria.