Academic agreement between Rojava and Binghamton universities

The Rojava University and the Sociology department of Binghamton University have signed an academic agreement.

The Rojava University and the Sociology department of Binghamton University in New York have signed an academic agreement.

The points of the agreement are as follows:

Joint research projects in areas of mutual interest,

Exchange of publications and academic reports,

Share skills in innovative teaching methods and organizing seminars,

Organization of joint symposia, workshops, conferences.

Previous agreements

The universities’ administrations have put great emphasis on creating links to the outside academic world. The content of its education is Northern and Eastern Syria universities’ strongest selling point. Yet outside recognition is crucial if  universities are to be more widely appealing to students. In addition – as is the case with academia across the globe – the quality of the education at these universities will increase exponentially as they connect and engage with other higher-education institutions.

Universities seldom flourish in isolation. Moreover, connecting its academics with their peers abroad forms part of the AANES’ people- or civil society-based diplomacy. In the absence of formal outside acknowledgment of their diplomas, NES' universities have sought to establish other kinds of relations with higher education institutions internationally.

A first step was organizing joint seminars. For instance, in April 2022, the Jineoloji Department of Rojava University announced a series of virtual seminars in collaboration with Bielefeld University (Germany). Rojava University’s English Language Faculty furthermore offers semester-long contracts for foreign English teachers, who can lecture in person or remotely through Zoom.