YPG and YPJ sniper group in Raqqa

A group of snipers from the YPG and YPJ has reached Raqqa last night and the snipers have taken their place in the frontlines.

The group commander said they increased the number of assassin fighters because the gangs use civilians as human shields, heavy weapons risk civilian lives and that is why they have decided to use assassin rifles to recognize the gang members from afar.

The group commander said the assassins are working day and night and that they are dispersed among the 6 neighborhoods where clashes occur, in the central neighborhoods with many civilians surrounded by the gangs in particular.

In the same framework, the SDF fighters and the international coalition forces are using scouting aircrafts to determine the location of the gangs. Notices were airdropped throughout the city and civilians were asked to not move between the evening and the morning.